Getting an API Key
Learn how to create an API key.
API Key Overview
If you are interested in using our API Endpoints, you need an API Key so that we can verify that incoming requests are from your server. Before getting an API key, ensure that you have an active account on the Developer Portal.
Step 1: Navigate to the API Keys tab
Find the API Keys tab on the Developer Portal. On this page, you can create, delete, and manage your keys.
Step 2: Create a new key
Press the “Create New Key” button on the top right of the API Key page. Enter a name for your key. Optionally add whitelisted IPs (you can only call Tavus from the IPs you list here).
Step 3: Save your key
Once your key is created, make sure you save it in a safe place. We are not able to recover your API Key if you lose it. You should now be able to see your new key on the Developer Portal!
Next Steps
Now that you have an API key, you are able to send requests to any of our API endpoints. Check out our API Reference to see how you can create a replica, generate videos, and start conversations through our APIs. Happy coding! 🖥️