Understanding Stock Replicas

Stock replicas are a carefully curated library of diverse, pre-trained digital presenters available to all Tavus users. These replicas provide an immediate solution for creating professional video content without the need to train your own replica.

Professional Conversational Replicas

Our professional replicas are specifically optimized for conversational interactions, making them ideal for:

  • Customer service and support
  • Sales conversations
  • Interactive presentations
  • Training and education
  • Any scenario requiring natural dialogue

Diverse Presentation Styles

Our stock replica library features various presentation styles to suit different use cases:

Benefits of Stock Replicas

  1. Instant Availability: Start creating videos immediately without waiting for training
  2. Professional Quality: All stock replicas meet our highest quality standards
  3. Diverse Representation: Choose from a variety of presenters to match your needs
  4. Consistent Performance: Reliable, tested replicas for dependable results
  5. Flexible Use Cases: Suitable for both one-way videos and conversational interactions

Getting Started

To use a stock replica:

  1. Browse available replicas in the Developer Portal
  2. Note the Replica ID of your chosen presenter
  3. Use the ID in your API calls or portal interactions

For detailed implementation instructions, check our API Reference or explore our guides.

Best Practices

  • Choose the Right Style: Select a replica whose presentation style matches your content
  • Consider Your Audience: Pick a presenter who will resonate with your target viewers
  • Test Different Options: Experiment with various replicas to find the best fit
  • Mix and Match: Use different replicas for different types of content

Next Steps

Ready to start creating? Head to our video generation guide or explore conversational interfaces to begin using your chosen stock replica.