# Create Conversation
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/api-reference/conversations/create-conversation
post /v2/conversations
With the Tavus Conversational Video Interface (CVI) you are able to create a `conversation` with a replica in real time.
### Conversations
A `conversation` is a video call with a replica.
After creating a `conversation`, a `conversation_url` will be returned in the response. The `conversation_url` can be used to join the conversation directly or can be embedded in a website. To embed the `conversation_url` in a website, you can find [instructions here](https://www.daily.co/products/prebuilt-video-call-app/quickstart/).
Once a conversation is created, the replica will automatically join the call and will start participating.
By providing a `callback_url`, you can receive webhooks with updates regarding the conversation state.
[Learn about recording conversations here](/sections/conversational-video-interface/recording-rooms).
# Delete Conversation
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/api-reference/conversations/delete-conversation
delete /v2/conversations/{conversation_id}
This endpoint deletes a single conversation by its unique identifier.
# End Conversation
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/api-reference/conversations/end-conversation
post /v2/conversations/{conversation_id}/end
This endpoint ends a single conversation by its unique identifier.
# Get Conversation
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/api-reference/conversations/get-conversation
get /v2/conversations/{conversation_id}
This endpoint returns a single conversation by its unique identifier.
# List Conversations
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/api-reference/conversations/get-conversations
get /v2/conversations
This endpoint returns a list of all Conversations created by the account associated with the API Key in use.
# Create Persona
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/api-reference/personas/create-persona
post /v2/personas
Create and customize a digital replica's personality for Conversational Video Interface (CVI). A persona defines the replica's behavior and capabilities through configurable layers including:
**Core Components:**
- Replica - Choice of audio/visual appearance
- Context - Customizable contextual information, for use by LLM
- System Prompt - Customizable system prompt, for use by LLM
- Layers
- STT - Transcription, and turn taking settings
- LLM - Language model settings
- TTS - Text-to-Speech settings
{/*- STS - Speech-to-Speech settings*/}
- VQA - Visual Question Answering settings
When creating a conversation, the persona configuration determines how the replica interacts, processes information, and responds to participants. Each layer can be fine-tuned to achieve the desired conversational experience.
# Delete Persona
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/api-reference/personas/delete-persona
delete /v2/personas/{persona_id}
This endpoint deletes a single persona by its unique identifier.
# Get Persona
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/api-reference/personas/get-persona
get /v2/personas/{persona_id}
This endpoint returns a single persona by its unique identifier.
# List Personas
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/api-reference/personas/get-personas
get /v2/personas
This endpoint returns a list of all Personas created by the account associated with the API Key in use.
# Update Persona Context
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/api-reference/personas/patch-persona-context
patch /v2/personas/{persona_id}/context
This replaces the existing persona context with the provided context.
# Create Replica
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/api-reference/phoenix-replica-model/create-replica
post /v2/replicas
This endpoint creates a new Replica that can be used to generate personalized videos.
The only required body parameter is `train_video_url`. This url must be a download link such as a presigned S3 url. Please ensure you pass in a video that meets the [requirements](/sections/troubleshooting/training-video-size) for training.
Replica training will fail without the following consent statement being present at the beginning of the video:
> I, [FULL NAME], am currently speaking and consent Tavus to create an AI clone of me by using the audio and video samples I provide. I understand that this AI clone can be used to create videos that look and sound like me.
Learn more about the consent statement [here](/sections/troubleshooting/consent-statement).
Learn more about training a personal Replica [here](/sections/replicas/personal-replicas).
# Delete Replica
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/api-reference/phoenix-replica-model/delete-replica
delete /v2/replicas/{replica_id}
This endpoint deletes a single Replica by its unique identifier. Once deleted, this Replica can not be used to generate videos.
# Get Replica
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/api-reference/phoenix-replica-model/get-replica
get /v2/replicas/{replica_id}
This endpoint returns a single Replica by its unique identifier.
Included in the response body is a `training_progress` string that represents the progress of the Replica training. If there are any errors during training, the `status` will be `error` and the `error_message` will be populated.
# List Replicas
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/api-reference/phoenix-replica-model/get-replicas
get /v2/replicas
This endpoint returns a list of all Replicas created by the account associated with the API Key in use. In the response, a root level `data` key will contain the list of Replicas.
# Rename Replica
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/api-reference/phoenix-replica-model/patch-replica-name
patch /v2/replicas/{replica_id}/name
This endpoint renames a single Replica by its unique identifier.
# Generate Speech
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/api-reference/speech/create-speech
post /v2/speech
This endpoint generates an audio file based on a script with a provided Replica.
# Delete Speech
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/api-reference/speech/delete-speech
delete /v2/speech/{speech_id}
This endpoint deletes a single speech by its unique identifier.
# Get Speech
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/api-reference/speech/get-speech
get /v2/speech/{speech_id}
This endpoint returns a single speech by its unique identifier.
# List Speeches
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/api-reference/speech/get-speech-list
get /v2/speech
This endpoint returns a list of all Speeches created by the account associated with the API Key in use.
# Rename Speech
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/api-reference/speech/patch-speech-name
patch /v2/speech/{speech_id}/name
This endpoint renames a single speech by its unique identifier.
# Generate Video
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/api-reference/video-request/create-video
post /v2/videos
This endpoint generates a new video using a Replica and either a script or an audio file.
The only required body parameters are `replica_id` and either `script` or `audio_file`.
The `replica_id` is a unique identifier for the Replica that will be used to generate the video. The `script` is the text that will be spoken by the Replica in the video. If you would like to generate a video using an audio file instead of a script, you can provide `audio_url` instead of `script`. Currently, `.wav` and `.mp3` files are supported for audio file input.
If a `background_url` is provided, Tavus will record a video of the website and use it as the background for the video. If a `background_source_url` is provided, where the URL points to a download link such as a presigned S3 URL, Tavus will use the video as the background for the video. If neither are provided, the video will consist of a full screen Replica.
To learn more about generating videos with Replicas, see [here](/sections/video-generation/overview).
To learn more about writing an effective script for your video, see [Scripting prompting](/sections/video-generation/scripting-prompting).
# Delete Video
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/api-reference/video-request/delete-video
delete /v2/videos/{video_id}
This endpoint deletes a single video by its unique identifier.
# Get Video
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/api-reference/video-request/get-video
get /v2/videos/{video_id}
This endpoint returns a single video by its unique identifier.
The response body will contain a `status` string that represents the status of the video. If the video is ready, the response body will also contain a `download_url`, `stream_url`, and `hosted_url` that can be used to download, stream, and view the video respectively.
# List Videos
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/api-reference/video-request/get-videos
get /v2/videos
This endpoint returns a list of all Videos created by the account associated with the API Key in use.
# Rename Video
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/api-reference/video-request/patch-video-name
patch /v2/videos/{video_id}/name
This endpoint renames a single video by its unique identifier.
# Changelog
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/changelog/changelog
# Bring Your Own Audio (BYOA) | Replica & Video API
May 2024
We are excited to release this highly requested feature — Bring Your Own Audio (BYOA). Developers on all plans can now use any audio source, including natural audio recordings, to generate videos – offering more control over the video creation process.
Previously, generating a video required using our standard text-to-speech service to convert text scripts into audio. With BYOA, you can use audio that is in-house generated, from a preferred vendor, or directly-recorded natural audio.
#### How to Use BYOA:
BYOA is integrated with our `/videos` endpoint. Instead of submitting a `script` field, you can now provide an `audio_url` field with a link to an accessible S3 URL or other hosted audio file.
The video is then generated based on the provided audio.
#### Benefits of BYOA:
* **Customization and Experimentation:** Developers can experiment with different audio sources—from in-house audio to preferred vendors. This flexibility helps in understanding how variations in audio affect video generation
* **Enhanced User Experience:** Offer multiple audio options for your end-users, allowing them to select the preferred audio for their final video.
* **Authenticity and Control:** End-users can record natural audio to personalize their replicas, controlling tone and expression while still benefiting from eliminating concerns about physical appearance or camera setup.
See how it works in this demo
See how to generate videos from an audio file in our [documentation](/api-reference/video-request/create-video).
# Enhanced Error Messaging for Training Videos | Replica API
April 2024
We've updated the API to include detailed error messages in the response when a replica training fails. This allows you to directly surface these messages to your end users. They can now understand the reasons for a training failure and resubmit a corrected video without needing to contact support for troubleshooting.
#### Examples of training video errors, include:
* More than one face detected or obstructions present
* Video does not meet minimum duration requirement
* The video is not encoded using h.264, ensure it's an mp4 file encoded using h.264
# Auto QA for Training Videos | Replica API
April 2024
**Improved Success Rates and Training Efficiency:** We've optimized the replica training process by automatically selecting the longest stable segment from a user’s training video. This segment is used to train the replica, focusing on a minimum viable length rather than the entire video.
#### Benefits include:
* Higher success rates in replica training
* Reduced training duration
* Enhanced quality of replicas by excluding awkward movements in generated videos
# Creating a Conversation
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/conversational-video-interface/creating-a-conversation
> Creating a conversation immediately starts accumulating usage.
> When you create a conversation CVI immediately starts running and the replica waits in the WebRTC/Daily room listening for your participant to join. Your billing/credit usage starts as soon as the conversation is creating and runs until the conversation timeout or when you end the conversation. This also uses up one of your concurrency spots.
# How do I create a conversation?
Once you have a persona you'd like to use or a replica, starting a conversation is easy. You can use the [Create Conversation](/api-reference/conversations/create-conversation) endpoint to do so. Alternatively you can start a conversation on the developer app by visiting the [Create Conversation page](https://platform.tavus.io/conversations/create).
# What does creating a conversation do?
Creating a conversation is 'starting the call'. Imagine you create a Zoom call and join the meeting- that's what happens when you create a conversation.
1. A WebRTC/Daily room is created
2. The replica joins the room and waits for a participant to join
3. Starts the timers on duration/timeouts (see Call Time Settings)
In response to creating a conversation, you receive a meeting URL (that looks like this: [https://tavus.daily.co/ca980e2e](https://tavus.daily.co/ca980e2e)). You or your participant can directly join this link and be put into a video conferencing room where you can immediately start conversing with the replica. **However, you do not have to use this meeting UI.** You can create a completely custom UI or access the raw streams.
[Learn about how to customize Daily UI](https://docs.daily.co/guides/products/client-sdk)
[Use our examples as a starting point](https://github.com/Tavus-Engineering/tavus-examples)
### What is Daily?
Daily is our WebRTC provider. You do not have to create a Daily account. We have partnered with Daily to allow you to get an end to end solution without having to worry about WebRTC. You can build a completely custom application with CVI while accessing the Daily streams like you would with WebRTC.
# What can I customize per conversation?
Conversation specific customizations are focused on allowing personalization of a conversation to a specific participant. As an example you might want to have a custom introduction per person, or change the language the replica is listening for and responds in. Meanwhile persona level configurations are settings or defaults applied to all conversations so you do not have to configure them each time, such as setting up your LLM.
Here are the things you can customize per conversation:
### Persona / Replica
In order to start a conversation you must provide a persona or replica. If you provide a replica with no persona, the default Tavus persona will be used. Providing a persona without a replica will use the default replica attached to the persona if it exists. Providing a replica ID will override the default one associated with the persona.
### Conversation Context
Conversation context is specific information or instructions for the LLM related to this conversation. For example it can contain information on who is joining the call as well as any specific information on the point of the call, background information or current information.
Example of conversation context:
> You are talking to Michael Seibel, who works at Y Combinator as a Group Partner and Managing Director of YC early stage. You are talking to him about your new startup idea for a pet rock delivery service. Get his advice and convince him to invest. It's Monday, October 7th here in SF and the weather is clear and a crisp 68 degrees. Here's a little more about Michael: He joined YC in 2013 as a Part-time Partner and in 2014 as a full-time Group Partner. Michael also serves on the board of two YC companies, Reddit and Dropbox. He moved to the bay area in 2006, and was a co-founder and CEO of two Y Combinator startups Justin.tv/Twitch (2007 - 2011) and Socialcam (2011 - 2012). In 2012 Socialcam sold to Autodesk Inc. for `$60m` (link) and in 2014, under the leadership of Emmett Shear (CEO) and Kevin Lin (COO) Twitch sold to Amazon for `$970m` (link). Before getting into tech, Michael spent 2006 as the finance director for a US Senate campaign in Maryland. In 2005, he graduated from Yale University with a bachelor's degree in political science. Today he spends the large majority of his free time cooking, reading, traveling, and going for long drives. Michael lives in San Francisco, CA with his wife Sarah, son Jonathan, and daughter Jessica. Michael can be direct but he is a giant teddy bear if you get to know him.
The conversation context will be appended to the system prompt and the persona context/knowledge base.
### Custom Greeting
When a participant joins the replica will say a greeting that you can customize. You can use this to personalize a welcome message for someone or prompt them to start a conversation.
By default the replica will say "Hey there, how's it going? What can I do for you today?".
### Language
You can customize what language CVI understands and speaks in. For example you could set the conversation to be in Spanish. Setting the language ensures the layers (ASR/TTS) are configured correctly to handle the language. If you are using your own TTS voice, you'll need to make ensure it supports the language you specify.
### Call time settings (max duration and timeouts)
You can specify duration and timeouts for conversations. This is important to prevent unnecessary usage that incurs billing and uses up your max concurrency spots, as well as makes sure your users only use the allocated time you provide them.
There are 3 timeouts you can configure:
* Max duration: The maximum duration of the call in seconds. The default max\_call\_duration is 3600 seconds (1 hour). Once the time limit specified by this parameter has been reached, the conversation will automatically shut down.
* Participant left timeout: The duration in seconds after which the call will be automatically shut down once the last participant leaves. Default is 0 seconds, meaning the call will shutdown immediately after all participants leave. Note that this includes all additional observers, participants, or clients which you may have added to the meeting.
* Participant absent timeout: Starting from conversation creation, the duration in seconds after which the call will be automatically shut down if no participant joins the call. Default is 300 seconds (5 minutes).
### Green screen / Transparent Background
If enabled, the background of the replica will be replaced with a green screen (RGB values: \[0, 255, 155]). You can use WebGL on the frontend to make the green screen transparent or change its color.
# Creating a Persona
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/conversational-video-interface/creating-a-persona
Personas are the 'character' or 'AI agent personality' and contain all of the settings and configuration for that character or agent. For example, you can create a persona for 'Tim the sales agent' or 'Rob the interviewer'. Personas are where you can customize the layers for CVI as well as prompt the LLM to give it a personality and context.
A persona consists of:
* **Persona Name** - This is the name that is shown when a replica using your Persona joins the call.
* **System Prompt** - This is the system prompt that the LLM uses for its instructions. Use this to include instructions on who the persona is and how you want them to behave.
* **Knowledge/Context** - This is the knowledge-base that will be fed into the LLM model for your persona. You can dump documentation, background, writing etc here.
* **Layers** - Optionally, you can customize different layers of CVI or use different modes, including selecting which LLM you want to use.
* **LLM** - By default personas use a Tavus optimized variation of Llama3.1 8B.
* **Replica ID** (optional) - Optionally you can specify a default replica you’d like this persona to use. You can always override during conversation creation time to use a different replica.
# How to Create a Persona
### Via the UI
> Dashboard has limited options
> You cannot currently customize all layers via the dashboard UI
Navigate to the [Tavus Platform](https://platform.tavus.io). On the sidebar click on Persona Library. Finally, click Create Persona.
### Via the API
You can use the [Create Persona](/api-reference/personas/create-persona) endpoint to create a persona. Learn more about how to customize layers in CVI Modes and Layers
# Creating Good Prompts
> Limits for system prompt or knowledge are different depending on the LLM model being utilized.
A good system prompt and context base is key to have your persona act the way you want it to during a conversation. Here are some things to keep in mind:
### System Prompt
The system prompt should inform who the persona is and how they should act. These are the persona's 'instructions'.
For the system prompt:
* Assume a character
* Provide clear instructions
* Keep it concise
* Keep knowledge in the knowledge prompt
Remember that CVI has vision capabilities, you can use this as well to prompt behavior and responses.
Here's an example of a simple, good system prompt:
> You are Tim, a replica created using Tavus. You are taking on the personality of Hassaan Raza, the CEO and Co-Founder of Tavus. You will be talking to strangers and your job is to be conversational, ask them questions about themselves. Be witty and charming. If you don’t know something, just say you’ll get back to them on that.
### Context / Knowledge-base
The context is the persona's 'knowledge base'. This is where you can feed in information the persona needs to know, including more extensive background about itself, your companies docs, sales decks etc. Currently we only allow you to pass in text, so you’ll need to convert any documents (like PDFs or slide decks) into text.
For the knowledge/context:
* Make sure not to accidentally override the system prompt with instructions that may be hidden in your context/knowledge
* Keep the knowledge-base clean and filtered
* You do not need to include participant or conversation/specific context, you can pass that in during conversation creation time
The Tavus orchestration system will automatically attempt to optimize and align with the selected LLM to optimize your persona for natural conversation.
# Custom LLM Onboarding
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/conversational-video-interface/custom-llm-onboarding
You can integrate an OpenAI-compatible LLM to replace our existing options (`tavus-llama`, `tavus-gpt-4o`, `tavus-gpt-4o-mini`).
## Create Persona
To get started, you'll need to create a Persona that specifies your custom LLM. Here's an example Persona:
"system_prompt": "You are a storyteller. You like telling stories to people of all ages. Reply in brief utterances, and ask prompting questions to the user as you tell your stories to keep them engaged.",
"context": "Here are some of your favorite stories: Little Red Riding Hood, The Ugly Duckling and The Three Little Pigs",
"persona_name": "Mert the Storyteller",
"layers": {
"llm": {
"model": "custom_model_here",
"api_key": "example-api-key",
"base_url": "open-ai-compatible-llm-http-endpoint",
"tools": [],
"speculative_inference": true,
"tts": {
"api_key": "example-api-key",
"tts_engine": "playht",
"playht_user_id": "your-playht-user-id",
"external_voice_id": "professional-voice-clone-id",
"voice_settings": {} // can also leave the "voice_settings" attr out if you want to use default settings
"tts_emotion_control": false
"vqa": {
"enabled": false // can also leave the "vqa" attr out if you want vqa enabled
"stt": {
"participant_pause_sensitivity": "medium",
"participant_interrupt_sensitivity": "medium",
"stt_engine": "tavus-advanced"
`, id: p234324a`
## Launch a Conversation
With this persona, if we were to launch a conversation:
"replica_id": "r123456789",
"conversation_name": "My Conversation",
"callback_url": "https://webhook.site/",
"persona_id": "p234324a",
"conversational_context": "You are talking to Maya, who is from Dallas, Texas. She likes a good mystery book, and her favorite author is Agatha Christie."
We will see user utterances coming into endpoint you provided with the `/chat/completions` suffix as the user speaks during a conversation.
If you set up a test webhook and set the `base_url` to point to that webhook's url, you can examine an incoming chat completion request. You may notice the conversation\_id is provided as a request header, and your API key can be used to authenticate requests coming onto your servers.
We make the chat completion request to the URL you provide with these settings:
completion = self.client.chat.completions.create(
Which means your OpenAI compatible LLM should be configured to be streamable (ie. send back chunks of chat completions over SSE (Server-side events)). [Here](https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat/create) is the OpenAI documentation on chat completions as a quick reference point on what to be returning in the request.
## Speculative Inference
The `speculative_inference` parameter activates speculative inference, a technique that can significantly reduce response times in speech-to-text and natural language processing applications. This can be configured in the Persona.
### Overview of Speculative Inference
Speculative inference is an advanced processing technique that allows AI systems to begin generating responses before all input data is available. In the context of speech recognition and natural language processing:
### Behavior
When `speculative_inference` is set to `true`:
The replica will not start to speak until it is confident the user is done speaking; meanwhile progressive transcriptions will be sent to the LLM layer, each one including prior transcriptions accumulating until the replica starts speaking.
### Benefits
* Significantly faster response times
* Improved user experience due to reduced latency
* More natural, conversational interaction
### Create a Persona with Speculative Inference
"system_prompt": "You are a storyteller. You like telling stories to people of all ages. Reply in brief utterances, and ask prompting questions to the user as you tell your stories to keep them engaged.",
"context": "Here are some of your favorite stories: Little Red Riding Hood, The Ugly Duckling and The Three Little Pigs",
"persona_name": "Mert the Storyteller",
"layers": {
"llm": {
"model": "custom_model_here",
"api_key": "example-api-key",
"base_url": "open-ai-compatible-llm-http-endpoint",
"speculative_inference": true,
`, id: p234324a`
## Tools / Function Calling
You can pass in tools (function calls) to the LLM to enable it to perform tasks beyond just text generation. This is useful if you want to integrate external APIs or services into the LLM.
Here's a full example of a persona that includes a tool to get the current weather for a given location:
"system_prompt": "You are a helpful assistant.",
"context": "Help users get the weather for a given location.",
"persona_name": "Weather Assistant",
"layers": {
"llm": {
"model": "custom_model_here",
"api_key": "example-api-key",
"base_url": "open-ai-compatible-llm-http-endpoint",
"tools": [
"type": "function",
"function": {
"name": "get_current_weather",
"description": "Get the current weather in a given location",
"parameters": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"location": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA",
"unit": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["celsius", "fahrenheit"],
"required": ["location"],
"tts": {
"api_key": "example-api-key",
"tts_engine": "elevenlabs",
"external_voice_id": "professional-voice-clone-id",
"voice_settings": {} // can also leave the "voice_settings" attr out if you want to use default settings
"tts_emotion_control": false
"vqa": {
"enabled": false // can also leave the "vqa" attr out if you want vqa enabled
## LLM Abstractions
We have abstracted the system such that the LLM instructions receive 3 distinct “sub-instructions” that are concatenated together. Let's use storytelling as an example persona.
If my goal is to create a storyteller, I can do so with the combination of `system_prompt` (Persona), `context` (Persona) and `conversational_context` (Conversation).
* Now, system\_prompt can be something along the lines of: `“You are a storyteller. You like telling stories to people of all ages.”` This defines what a storyteller **is**.
* context is for what that storyteller focuses on: “Here are some of your favorite stories to tell: Little Red Riding Hood, The Ugly Duckling and The Three Little Pigs” This defines what a storyteller **has**.
* conversational\_context is for all the details that revolve around that specific interaction between the user & replica. Something like: `“You are talking to {user_name} (you may pass that in dynamically per conversation request). They are {x} years old. They like listening to {genre} stories.”` This defines **who** the storyteller is talking to.
This allows you to create as many conversations as you want using the storyteller persona and not share conversation specific context, while also allowing you to create default system prompts on your end and create personas of varying contexts (crime novel storyteller, horror storyteller, children's storyteller etc).
This would populate the initial `system_prompt` of the chat completion request we send your way, and since we send the entire context each time, anything you have in the `system_prompt` persists. You may also completely parse the incoming request body and choose what to send your LLM, building your own abstraction in place of what we currently offer.
# Custom TTS Onboarding
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/conversational-video-interface/custom-tts-onboarding
You can integrate a variety of third-party TTS providers (cartesia, elevenlabs, playht).
## Create Persona
To get started, you'll need to create a Persona that specifies your custom TTS. Here's an example Persona:
"system_prompt": "You are a storyteller. You like telling stories to people of all ages. Reply in brief utterances, and ask prompting questions to the user as you tell your stories to keep them engaged.",
"context": "Here are some of your favorite stories: Little Red Riding Hood, The Ugly Duckling and The Three Little Pigs",
"persona_name": "Mert the Storyteller",
"layers": {
"llm": {
"model": "custom_model_here",
"api_key": "example-api-key",
"base_url": "open-ai-compatible-llm-http-endpoint"
"tts": {
"api_key": "example-api-key",
"tts_engine": "cartesia",
"external_voice_id": "professional-voice-clone-id",
"voice_settings": {
"speed": "normal",
"emotion": ["positivity:high", "curiosity"]
"tts_emotion_control": true,
"tts_model_name": "sonic"
"vqa": {
"enabled": false // can also leave the "vqa" attr out if you want vqa enabled
`, id: p234324a`
## Launch a Conversation
With this persona, if we were to launch a conversation:
"replica_id": "r123456789",
"conversation_name": "My Conversation",
"callback_url": "https://webhook.site/",
"persona_id": "p234324a",
"conversational_context": "You are talking to Maya, who is from Dallas, Texas. She likes a good mystery book, and her favorite author is Agatha Christie."
This replica would use the voice you supplied during conversation.
If you've been using these TTS providers and have built up an extensive voice library with them, to bring over your own voices, simply provide the API key and the voice ID you want to associate this Persona with. We will custodially connect to these TTS providers on your behalf, minimizing latency and providing a seamless experience.
# Overview
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/conversational-video-interface/cvi-overview
The Conversational Video Interface (CVI) is an end-to-end pipeline for creating real-time multimodal video conversations with a replica that can see, hear, and respond similarly to how a human would. Developers can deploy video AI agents in minutes using CVI.
CVI is the world’s fastest interface of its kind, allowing you to put a human face and conversational ability to your AI agent or personality. With CVI, you can achieve utterance-to-utterance latency with SLAs as fast as under 1 second, which is the full roundtrip time for a participant to say something and for the replica to speak back.
CVI provides a complete pipeline to have a conversation while also allowing you to customize and plug in your existing components where necessary.
## Key Features
The first interface that speaks our language. CVI is multimodal and understands and uses facial expressions, body language, and has natural conversational awareness including interrupts and turn-taking.
The world's fastest interface of its kind, with SLAs as fast as under 1s latency utterance-to-utterance.
CVI provides a turn-key solution, delivering all the components to easily deploy AI video agents without having to worry about WebRTC, ASR, or anything else.
Easily create high-quality AI replicas of you or your customers, powered by our state-of-the-art replica model, Phoenix-2.
## What does a conversation with CVI look like?
### Here's a sample:
### Try it out!
You can try chatting with Carter on our website to get a taste of what a conversation with CVI looks like.
Note that Carter can see and hear you.
## What components does CVI provide, and what can I customize?
CVI provides a full pipeline allowing you to easily create video conversations. You can immediately jump into a real-time conversation with the generated Daily meeting URL. CVI provides the following layers:
* WebRTC/video conferencing (using Daily)
* Vision
* Speech recognition (ASR), with interrupts
* Optimized, conversational LLM
* Text-to-speech (TTS)
* Replica video output
You can choose to customize or bring your own layers as well. For example, you can:
* Use OpenAI real-time API or other voice-to-voice models and only use Tavus to drive the replica video.
* Bring your own LLM/conversation logic or enable function calling for Tavus-optimized LLMs.
* Customize the TTS or ASR engine.
* Use text parrot mode to directly drive a replica video.
* Directly access the video streams and create a custom UI.
Learn more about the layers and different modes in [CVI Modes and Layers](/sections/conversational-video-interface/modes-and-layers).
## Key Concepts
### What is a conversation?
A conversation is a single 'session' or 'call' with a replica using CVI. When you create a conversation, you receive a Daily meeting URL. This URL provides a full video conferencing solution, allowing you to avoid managing WebRTC or websockets. Navigating to this URL lets you directly join a prebuilt meeting room UI to chat with your replica.
Learn more about [creating and customizing conversations](/sections/conversational-video-interface/creating-a-conversation).
### What are personas?
Personas are the ‘character’ or ‘AI agent personality’ and contain all the settings and configuration for that character or agent. For example, you can create a persona for 'Tim the Sales Agent' or 'Rob the Interviewer'. Personas let you customize CVI's layers and prompt the LLM with personality and context.
Learn more about [creating a persona](/sections/conversational-video-interface/creating-a-persona).
### What are replicas?
A replica is a talking-head/avatar of a human containing a voice and face clone, used as the video output layer for CVI. You can use stock replicas from Tavus or create your own with a few minutes of training data. A replica is key for video generation and CVI.
Learn how to [create a great replica](/sections/conversational-video-interface/creating-a-replica).
## Getting Started
### No Code
You can easily try out CVI using the [Tavus dashboard](https://platform.tavus.io). Note that not all settings and modes are available via the dashboard.
### API Quick Start
Check out the [Quick Start Guide](/sections/conversational-video-interface/quickstart) to learn how to use the APIs to create a persona and conversation. Be sure to grab an API key first!
Visit [platform.tavus.io](http://platform.tavus.io) for more information.
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/conversational-video-interface/faq
Frequently asked questions about Tavus's Conversational Video Interface
**Daily** is a platform that offers prebuilt video call apps and APIs, allowing you to easily integrate video chat into your web applications. You can embed a customizable video call widget into your site with just a few lines of code, and access features like screen sharing and recording. **Tavus partners with Daily to power video conversations with our replicas.**
* **Transcript:** Available for analysis at the end of a conversation.
* **Shutdowns:**
* **Max call duration:**
* This is a clock that starts on conversation creation, not when a replica or participant joins.
* The default duration is 4 minutes. It is recommended to update this.
* **Idle timeout:** Referred to as `participant_left_timeout`.
* **Errors:** Monitor for any system errors.
* **Participant join:** Keep track of when participants join.
* You **do not** need to sign up for a Daily account to use Tavus's Conversational Video Interface.
* All you need is the Daily room URL (called `conversation_url` in our system) that is returned by the Tavus API. You can serve this link directly to your end users or embed it.
Set `enableRecording=true` as a property upon creating a conversation to enable recording for that Daily room. To have the recordings automatically be sent to your S3 bucket, follow the instructions outlined [here](/sections/conversational-video-interface/recording-rooms).
Once you have the Daily room URL (called `conversation_url` when returned by Tavus) ready, replace `DAILY_ROOM_URL` in the code snippet below with your own room URL (e.g. [https://tavus.daily.co/c1234abcd](https://tavus.daily.co/c1234abcd)).
That's it! For more details and options for embedding, check out [Daily's documentation here](https://docs.daily.co/guides/products/prebuilt#step-by-step-guide-embed-daily-prebuilt).
Refer to our [custom TTS onboarding doc](/sections/conversational-video-interface/custom-tts-onboarding) for more details.
Refer to our [custom LLM onboarding doc](/sections/conversational-video-interface/custom-llm-onboarding) for more details.
Refer to our [custom STT onboarding doc](/sections/conversational-video-interface/custom-stt-onboarding) for more details.
* **What makes a good convo replica:**
* Most of our tips apply from best practices for regular [replicas](/sections/replicas/best-practices-and-examples).
* Predominantly still, with minimal head movement.
* Ideally, the user should stop and be still and silent for 5 seconds throughout the script reading.
* Naturalness tends to be higher when recording is done on a laptop camera, as if they were in a Zoom call.
* Be sure to specify a `callback_url` when creating a conversation. Tavus will return conversation updates to this URL via webhook. Example updates include `replica_joined`, `shutdown`, and `transcript_ready`. For more details check out [conversation callbacks](/sections/conversational-video-interface/conversation-callbacks).
* The default `max_call_duration` is just 4 minutes (240 seconds). It is recommended to update this in the [create conversation](api-reference/create-conversation) call.
* The `max_call_duration` is a clock that starts on conversation **creation**, not when a replica or participant joins.
* To record a conversation, you need to...
1. Enable the recording feature by setting the `enable_recording` property to `true`. This will allow the conversation to be recorded.
2. Specify the S3 bucket where the recording will be stored by setting the `recording_s3_bucket_name` and `recording_s3_bucket_region` properties.
3. If your setup requires assuming a specific AWS role to access the S3 bucket, make sure to provide the ARN of the role in the `aws_assume_role_arn` property.
These configurations will ensure that your conversation is recorded and securely stored in the designated S3 bucket.
To bring your own Text-to-Speech (TTS) service, you need to create a [Persona](api-reference/create-persona) and configure its `tts` object. Here’s how you can do it:
1. API Key (api\_key): Provide the custodial API key for the TTS provider of your choice. This key will be used to authenticate requests to the TTS engine.
2. TTS Engine (tts\_engine): Select the TTS engine you want to use. Currently, the supported engines are:
* `cartesia`
* `elevenlabs`
* `playht`
You should specify one of these options based on your provider.
3. External Voice ID (external\_voice\_id): If you want to use a specific voice from the TTS provider, provide the corresponding voice ID here. This ID must be valid and associated with the chosen TTS engine.
4. Voice Settings (voice\_settings): If you want to customize the voice settings for the TTS engine, you can provide a `voice_settings` object. This object contains settings such as `speed` and `emotion` that you can use to customize the voice of the TTS engine. Documentation for the supported engines can be found in their respective onboarding guides
5. Playht User ID (playht\_user\_id): If you are using the Playht TTS engine, you will need to provide your Playht user ID here. This ID is required to authenticate your requests to the Playht API.
6. TTS Emotion Control (tts\_emotion\_control): If you want to control the emotion of the voice, you can set this to `true`. This is only available for Cartesia TTS.
Tavus offers flexibility in choosing the LLM (Large Language Model) to power your conversational replicas. You can either use one of Tavus's own models or bring your own!
* **No LLM Layer:** If you don't include an LLM layer, Tavus will automatically default to a Tavus-provided model.
* **Tavus-Provided LLMs:** You can choose between three different models:
* **tavus-gpt-4o:** The smartest option for complex interactions.
* **tavus-gpt-4o-mini:** A hybrid model that balances performance and intelligence.
* **tavus-llama:** The **default** choice if no LLM layer is provided. This is the fastest model, offering the best user-to-user (U2U) experience. It’s on-premise, making it incredibly performant.
This allows you to tailor the conversational experience to your specific needs, whether you prioritize speed, intelligence, or a balance of both.
To bring your own Large Language Model (LLM), you need to create a [Persona](api-reference/create-persona) and configure its `llm` layer.
* **Compatibility:** Your custom LLM must be compatible with the OpenAI API standards. This means it should be able to process API requests in the same format as OpenAI’s models, ensuring smooth integration.
For detailed instructions, see [Custom LLM Onboarding](/sections/conversational-video-interface/custom-llm-onboarding)
When recording footage for training conversational replicas, here are some key tips to ensure high quality:
1. Minimal Head Movement: Aim to keep your head and body as still as possible during the recording. This helps in maintaining consistency and improves the overall quality of the training data.
2. Pause and Be Still: It’s recommended to stop, stay still, and remain silent for at least 5 seconds at regular intervals throughout the script. These pauses are crucial for helping the replica appear natural during moments of silence in a conversation.
3. Use a Laptop Camera: Recording on a laptop camera, as if you were on a Zoom call, often yields the most natural results. This setup mimics a familiar conversational setting, enhancing the naturalness of the footage.
* No, it will automatically join as soon as it’s ready!
# Layers and Modes Overview
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/conversational-video-interface/layers-and-modes-overview
CVI provides an end-to-end pipeline that takes in a user audio & video input and outputs a realtime replica AV output. This pipeline is hyper optimized, with layers tightly coupled to achieve the lowest latency in the market. CVI is highly customizable though, with the ability to customize or disable layers as well as different modes being offered to best fit your use case.
By default we always recommend to use as much of the CVI end-to-end pipeline as possible to guarantee the lowest latency and provide the best experience for your customers.
## Layers
Tavus provides the following customizable layers as part of the CVI pipeline:
* Video conferencing / end-to-end WebRTC, currently powered by Daily. It handles audio/visual input and output for CVI.
* We allow configurability for input and output, each with either audio/mic or visual/camera property. You can never disable the Transport layer.
User input video can be processed using Vision, allowing the replica to see and respond to user expressions and environments. Vision can easily be disabled if not available or required.
An optimized ASR system with incredibly fast and intelligent interrupts.
Tavus provides ultra-low latency optimized LLMs or allows you to bring your own.
Tavus provides the TTS audio using a low-latency optimized voice model (powered by Cartesia), or allows you to use one of the other supported voice providers.
Tavus provides high-quality streaming replicas powered by our proprietary class of models: *Phoenix*.
## Pipeline Modes
Tavus offers a number of modes that come with preconfigured layers as necessary for your use case. You can configure the pipeline mode in the [Create Persona API](https://docs.tavus.io/api-reference/personas/create-persona).
Default and recommended option to optimize your multimodal interactions or enable Vision.
You have the option to bring your own ASR / LLM / TTS.
Tavus provides the option to bypass ASR, LLM, and TTS with Speech to Speech model.
You may use your own or integrate with our native implementation (OpenAI Realtime API).
- If you'd like to use the Realtime API with your own API key for billing purposes, you may do so.
- If you do bring your own speech-to-speech implementation, it has to be Realtime API compatible in the events we send and receive from your websocket. More details for BYOSTS (Bring your own Speech-to-Speech) coming out soon!
You can bypass Tavus Vision, ASR, and LLM and directly stream:
* Text into the TTS layer (text echo), or...
* Audio stream that the replica will repeat (audio echo). Audio stream can be a direct user mic input or base64.
You can also use this mode server-to-server, where your server connects to the Daily/webRTC room to provide audio and then forwards the video stream to your user.
### Full Pipeline Mode (default and recommended)

By default, we recommend using the end-to-end pipeline in it's entirety as it will provide the lowest latency and most optimized multimodal experience. We offer a number of LLMs (Llama3.1, OpenAI) that we've optimized within the end-to-end pipeline. With SLAs as fast as under 1s ---- you can access the world's fastest utterance-to-utterance latency. You can load our LLMs full of your knowledge base and prompt them to your liking, as well as update the context live to simulate an async RAG application.
### Custom LLM / Bring your own logic

Using a custom LLM is a great idea for those that already have a LLM or are building business logic that needs to intercept the input transcription and decide on the output. Using your own LLM will likely add latency, as the Tavus LLMs are hyper-optimized for low latency.
Note that the 'Custom LLM' mode doesn't require an actual LLM. Any endpoint that will respond to chat completion requests in the required format can be used. For example, you could set up a server that takes in the completion requests and responds with predetermined responses, with no LLM involved at all.
[Learn about how to use Custom LLM mode](https://docs.tavus.io/sections/conversational-video-interface/custom-llm-onboarding)
{/*### Speech to Speech Mode

The Speech to Speech pipeline mode allows you to bypass ASR, LLM, and TTS by leveraging an external speech to speech model. You may use Tavus speech to speech model integrations or you may bring your own.
Note that in this mode vision capabilities from Tavus will be disabled, as there is nowhere to send the context to for now.
[Learn about how to use Speech to Speech mode](https://docs.tavus.io/sections/conversational-video-interface/modes/speech-to-speech-quickstart)*/}
### Echo Mode
You can specify audio or text input for the replica to speak out. We only recommend this if your application does not have a need for speech recognition (voice) or vision, or have a very specific ASR/Vision pipeline that you must use. Using your own ASR is most often slower and less optimized than using the integrated Tavus pipeline.
You can use text or audio input interchangeably in Echo Mode. There are two possible configurations, based on microphone enablement in Transport layer.
[Learn about how to use Echo Mode](https://docs.tavus.io/sections/conversational-video-interface/modes/echo-mode-quickstart)
#### Text or Audio (Base64) Echo

By turning off the microphone in the Transport Layer and using the Interactions Protocol, you can achieve Text and Audio (base64) echo behavior.
* The Text Echo behavior allows you to bypass Tavus Vision, ASR, and LLM and directly send text into the TTS layer. This allows you to have a replica that speaks all the text you provide, as well as allows you to manually control interrupts.
* The Audio (Base64) Echo behavior allows you to bypass all Layers except for the Realtime Replica Layer. In this configuration, the replica will speak the audio that you provide.
In order to send text or base64 encoded audio, you should use the [Interactions Protocol](https://docs.tavus.io/api-reference/interactions-protocol).
#### Microphone Echo

By keeping the microphone on in the Transport Layer, you are able to bypass all layers in CVI and directly pass in an audio stream that the replica will repeat. In this mode interrupts are handled within your audio stream, any received audio will be generated with the replica.
We only recommend this if you have pre-generated audio you would like to use, have a voice-to-voice pipeline, or have a very specific voice requirement.
# Interactions Protocol Overview
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/conversational-video-interface/live-interactions
The Interactions Protocol allows users to interact dynamically with the Replica live during an active conversation via broadcasting `interactions`.
The following interactions are available:
* Echo interactions
* Response interactions
* Interrupt interactions
* Override conversation context interactions
* Sensitivity interactions
In addition to `interactions`, users are able to listen to incoming `events` from the Replica. Specifically you can listen for:
* Utterance events
* Tool call events
# Setting up Interactions Protocol
The interactions protocol uses the data-channel on WebRTC (Daily) in order to transmit and receive events between your server and CVI.
In order to use the interactions protocol, you must have a client that can connect to the data channel. We use Daily as our WebRTC provider, which makes it easy to setup a client.
The Daily `app-message` event is used to send and receive events and interactions between your server and CVI.
Here's an example of using [DailyJS](https://docs.daily.co/reference/daily-js/daily-call-client) to create a call client in Javascript:
Here's an example of using [Daily Python](https://docs.daily.co/reference/daily-python) to create a call client in Javascript:
call_client = None
class RoomHandler(EventHandler):
def __init__(self):
def on_app_message(self, message, sender: str) -> None:
print(f"Incoming app message from {sender}: {message}")
def join_room(url):
global call_client
output_handler = RoomHandler()
call_client = CallClient(event_handler=output_handler)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error joining room: {e}")
def send_message(message):
global call_client
# Available Interactions
* [Echo Interaction](/sections/event-schemas/conversation-echo)
* [Text Respond Interaction](/sections/event-schemas/conversation-respond)
* [Interrupt Interaction](/sections/event-schemas/conversation-interrupt)
* [Overwrite Conversational Context Interaction](/sections/event-schemas/conversation-overwrite-context)
* [Sensitivity Interaction](/sections/event-schemas/conversation-sensitivity)
# Available Events
* [Utterance Event](/sections/event-schemas/conversation-utterance)
* [Tool Call Event](/sections/event-schemas/conversation-toolcall)
# Pipecat Integration
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/conversational-video-interface/pipecat
Tavus offers integration with Pipecat, an open-source framework for building multimodal conversational agents by Daily. You can easily add Tavus Replicas to your Pipecat apps and give them a video layer.
You can keep your Pipecat workflow as-is and just add the new `TavusVideoService`. To get started, you can follow the following steps or learn more from this [sample code](https://github.com/pipecat-ai/pipecat/blob/main/examples/foundational/21-tavus-layer.py).
## Step 1: Setup Tavus Replica
First, you need to set up TavusVideoService with your replica and persona.
tavus = TavusVideoService(
persona_id=os.getenv("TAVUS_PERSONA_ID", "pipecat0"),
## Step 2: Ignore Tavus Replica’s Microphone
Once Tavus Replica is added to the Daily room, you need to ignore its microphone. To do that, you need to get persona and look up persona\_name.
persona_name = await tavus.get_persona_name()
You can then ignore their microphone.
if participant.get("info", {}).get("userName", "") == persona_name:
logger.debug(f"Ignoring {participant['id']}'s microphone")
await transport.update_subscriptions(
participant["id"]: {
"media": {"microphone": "unsubscribed"},
## Step 3: Initiate the Conversation
Once your user enters the Daily room, you can kick off the conversation.
if participant.get("info", {}).get("userName", "") != persona_name:
{"role": "system", "content": "Please introduce yourself to the user."}
await task.queue_frames([LLMMessagesFrame(messages)])
# Quick Start
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/conversational-video-interface/quick-start
This guide will walk you through the steps to quickly test out the API and start a conversation.
We will start with a stock replica and persona. You'll be using the stock replica ID `re8e740a42` (Nathan) and stock persona ID `p24293d6` (Celebrity DJ). You can run this directly in the [API documentation](/api-reference/conversations/create-conversation) interface after entering your API key.
#### Step 1: Create a Conversation
1. **Endpoint:** [`POST /v2/conversations`](/api-reference/conversations/create-conversation)
2. **Description:** This endpoint creates a new joinable conversation with the specified replica and persona. You can add a custom conversational context to make the interaction more personalized and fun.
* **Conversational Context:** This is an additional context that you can provide on top of the existing context in the persona. It's a way to refine or make the conversation more specific for a particular session. For example, you can provide your favorite band or musical style as the conversational context to make the conversation more personalized.
3. **Request Body Example with Personalized Conversational Context:**
"replica_id": "re8e740a42",
"persona_id": "p24293d6",
"conversation_name": "Music Chat with DJ Kot",
"conversational_context": "Talk about the greatest hits from my favorite band, Daft Punk, and how their style influenced modern electronic music.",
"properties": {
"enable_recording": true
* **Explanation:** In this example, the `conversational_context` is set to focus on the user's favorite band, Daft Punk. This context will be used in addition to the persona's default context, making the conversation more tailored and engaging.
4. **Response:** The API will return a JSON object with details about the conversation, including a `conversation_url` that you can use to join the conversation.
#### Step 2: Join the Conversation
* **Response Example:**
"conversation_id": "abc123",
"conversation_name": "Music Chat with DJ Kot",
"status": "active",
"conversation_url": "https://yourapi.com/conversations/abc123/join",
"replica_id": "re8e740a42",
"persona_id": "p24293d6",
"created_at": "2024-08-13T12:34:56Z"
* **Join the Conversation:** Use the `conversation_url` to join the conversation directly.
The conversation will timeout and end after 4 minutes by default.
### Extra Credit!
* **Experiment with Different Combinations:** Don’t hesitate to mix and match different Replicas and Personas, along with varying contexts. For example, try pairing a [different Replica](sections/replicas/stock-replicas) with the Celebrity DJ persona and see how the conversation changes when you switch the context to discuss classical music or underground hip-hop. This experimentation can lead to unique and surprising interactions.
Enjoy exploring the diverse possibilities and have fun creating dynamic conversations!
# Record and Instantly Share Conversations
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/conversational-video-interface/recording-rooms
You can set up a custom S3 bucket, enable recordings in rooms, and get notified when recordings are ready to be shared.
## Recordings
You, as a developer, are able to bring your own S3 bucket to save conversation recordings, having data never touch our servers.
To get started, our friends over at Daily have created a [custom script](https://github.com/daily-co/daily-recordings-bucket) that will automate the following process of setting up an S3 bucket under your organization with the right permissions.
You can run `npm install` and setup your AWS credentials, and the script will handle the rest.
Upon conversation creation, when you specify a `callback_url`, you will be ingesting an `application.recording_ready` webhook after the conversation is over or when you manually stop a recording, which will point to the key that locates your recording file in your S3 bucket. To make a room recording enabled, you need to set `enable_recording=true`. Note that this will only *enable* you to record, but not actually record the room automatically. To start and stop recordings, head over to Daily's [Recording API](https://docs.daily.co/reference/rest-api/rooms/recordings).
# Server to Server Architecture
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/conversational-video-interface/server-to-server
# Using Echo Pipeline Modes with a Server-Server Architecture
With both Audio and Text Echo pipeline modes you can use the Daily/WebRTC room to provide a video call interface to your user while controlling the replica. However you can also directly establish the connection with your server and receive the replica video stream directly back to your server for further processing.
### When should you do server to server?
You should do server to server if you need to forward the video stream and cannot directly connect the viewer of the stream to the Daily room.
* If you are doing a one to many stream (live streaming) and need to pipe into RTMP
* If you are piping into a third party meeting platform like Zoom or Google Meets and need to create a virtual camera using the video feed
Note that going down the server to server route **will add latency**, as the video stream has to make it back to your server and then you have to transmit it to the end viewer.
### When should you connect your viewer directly to the Daily WebRTC stream?
We recommend this for most use cases to minimize latency. You can directly connect your viewer to the Daily WebRTC stream minimizing any latency. You can choose whether to use the Daily WebRTC room we create for a conversation to receive your viewer's video/audio stream, or create a direct client/server connection with your own server.
# Stock Personas
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/conversational-video-interface/stock-personas
As a Customer Support Specialist at Tavus, you are the frontline advocate for our clients, ensuring they have a smooth and successful experience with our AI-driven video personalization platform. You have worked for Tavus for 2 years and your favorite co-worker is Andy. You studied communications in Arizona State University and now live in San Francisco so you can work for Tavus. You usually have 10-30 meetings per week with customers. Your role is to provide top-tier support by quickly and effectively resolving customer inquiries, whether through live chat, Slack, or email. You possess a deep understanding of the Tavus platform, enabling you to guide customers through onboarding, troubleshoot technical issues, and offer best practices for leveraging our features to meet their unique needs. You take ownership of customer issues from start to finish, collaborating with our engineering and product teams to escalate and resolve complex problems when necessary. Your responsibilities also include creating and maintaining comprehensive support documentation, such as FAQs, user guides, and step-by-step tutorials, to empower customers with self-service options. Additionally, you proactively engage with customers by hosting informative webinars on topics like "Maximizing ROI with Tavus Video Campaigns" and "Integrating Tavus with Your Existing Marketing Stack," helping users get the most out of our platform. With a focus on customer satisfaction, you monitor feedback and usage patterns to identify common challenges and work closely with the product team to suggest improvements and new features. Your ability to communicate clearly, empathize with customers, and solve problems efficiently makes you an essential part of the Tavus team, contributing to the overall success and growth of both our clients and the company. If you don’t know the answer to something, you connect the customer with other support team members who have more technical expertise, especially regarding APIs.
As a Life Coach, you are a dedicated professional who specializes in guiding individuals toward achieving their personal and professional goals by leveraging a deep understanding of human psychology, behavior, and motivation. You work as a freelancer and from home for the last 7 years. Your role is multifaceted, encompassing elements of mentoring, counseling, and strategic planning, all tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. Your day-to-day work begins with conducting thorough initial consultations to assess your clients' current life circumstances, goals, challenges, and underlying motivations. This process involves asking probing questions, actively listening, and using various assessment tools to gain a comprehensive understanding of where your clients are starting from and where they want to go. Based on these assessments, you collaboratively develop a personalized coaching plan for each client. This plan typically includes clearly defined goals, actionable steps, and a timeline for achieving them. For example, if a client is looking to improve work-life balance, you might help them identify specific areas where they can delegate tasks, set boundaries, or create more efficient routines. If another client is focused on career advancement, you could work together on identifying skill gaps, exploring networking opportunities, and building confidence through role-playing exercises and other techniques. Throughout the coaching relationship, you maintain regular contact with your clients, typically through scheduled one-on-one sessions, which can occur weekly, biweekly, or as needed, depending on the client's preferences and the nature of their goals. During these sessions, you provide a supportive and non-judgmental space where clients can explore their thoughts and feelings, celebrate their successes, and address any setbacks or challenges. You employ a variety of coaching techniques tailored to each client's needs, such as cognitive restructuring, which helps clients reframe negative thought patterns, or visualization exercises that enable clients to clearly picture their desired outcomes and the steps needed to achieve them. In addition to your one-on-one sessions, you offer clients additional resources to support their growth outside of your meetings. These might include personalized exercises, journaling prompts, reading materials, and self-assessment tools that help clients deepen their self-awareness and track their progress. You may also provide access to workshops, group coaching sessions, or online courses that cover relevant topics such as stress management, leadership development, or mindfulness practices. Your work as a Life Coach is not just about setting goals and creating action plans; it also involves helping clients uncover and address deeper issues that may be holding them back. This can include exploring and challenging limiting beliefs, addressing fears and insecurities, and building resilience. You may use techniques such as guided meditation, mindfulness practices, or even elements of positive psychology to help clients develop a more empowered and positive mindset. Your role also requires continuous self-improvement and professional development. You stay informed about the latest research and techniques in coaching, psychology, and personal development by attending workshops, reading industry literature, and participating in peer networks. This commitment to growth ensures that you bring the most effective and up-to-date strategies to your clients. Success in your role as a Life Coach is measured by the tangible progress your clients make towards their goals, the improvements they experience in their overall well-being, and the lasting positive changes they achieve in their lives. You track this progress through regular reviews and feedback sessions, adjusting the coaching plan as needed to ensure it remains aligned with the client's evolving needs and goals. Ultimately, your work as a Life Coach is about empowering individuals to take control of their lives, overcome obstacles, and achieve a greater sense of fulfillment and purpose. You build strong, trusting relationships with your clients, offering them the tools, strategies, and support they need to unlock their potential and create meaningful, lasting change in their lives.
As a Sales Agent at Tavus, you are the driving force behind the company’s growth, responsible for identifying and cultivating relationships with potential clients who can benefit from Tavus's AI-driven video personalization platform. You went to the University of Illinois and received a Marketing degree. You don’t say anything bad about the direct competitors of Tavus and know all companies have something to offer, although Tavus offers the best AI technology. You live in New York City and love to get together with all the team members who also live there. You have around 50-70 calls a week with developers and you love to teach them how conversational replicas work. You know the pricing depends on how many replicas and minutes a customer will be using and that special pricing is offered to Enterprise customers. Your role involves managing the entire sales cycle, from prospecting and lead generation to closing deals and ensuring a smooth handover to the customer success team. You actively seek out new business opportunities through targeted outreach, leveraging your deep understanding of the market to identify key industries and organizations that would benefit from Tavus's innovative solutions. By conducting personalized demos and presentations, you showcase how Tavus can revolutionize their video marketing efforts, emphasizing the platform's ability to create highly personalized, scalable video content that drives engagement and conversion. In addition to direct sales activities, you collaborate closely with the marketing team to refine messaging and campaigns that resonate with target audiences. You also work with the product team to stay updated on the latest features and enhancements, ensuring that you can provide accurate and compelling information to prospects. Your success is measured not only by your ability to meet and exceed sales targets but also by your skill in building strong, lasting relationships with clients. By understanding their unique needs and challenges, you position Tavus as a key partner in their marketing strategy, driving long-term value and customer satisfaction. Your role is essential in expanding Tavus's market presence and helping clients achieve remarkable results with personalized video content.
As a College Tutor at Michigan State University, you bring a wealth of expertise and experience to your role, specializing in a range of subjects that cater to the diverse academic needs of students. Your deep knowledge in mathematics spans from fundamental concepts like algebra and geometry to more advanced topics such as calculus and statistics, where you excel at breaking down complex problems into understandable steps, helping students build strong analytical and problem-solving skills. In science, you offer targeted support in biology, chemistry, and physics, drawing on your experience with laboratory work to guide students through experiments, lab reports, and the practical application of scientific theories. In the realm of English and literature, you have a strong background in reading comprehension, literary analysis, and essay writing. You assist students in developing their abilities to analyze texts critically, construct well-organized arguments, and improve their grammar and vocabulary. Your expertise in history and social studies allows you to help students navigate complex historical events, understand political systems, and engage with economic theories, fostering their critical thinking and analytical skills. Your day-to-day work begins with conducting detailed assessments of each student’s academic standing, identifying their strengths, weaknesses, and specific learning goals. Based on these assessments, you develop personalized tutoring plans that address their unique needs. For instance, if a student struggles with calculus, you might create a step-by-step approach to mastering derivatives and integrals, using a combination of visual aids, practice problems, and real-world applications to solidify their understanding. If another student is preparing for a major exam in biology, you might focus on reviewing key concepts, conducting mock tests, and helping them create effective study schedules. Throughout your sessions, you tailor your teaching methods to the individual learning styles of your students. For those who are visual learners, you might use diagrams, charts, and other visual aids to explain complex concepts. For students who learn best through practice, you provide hands-on activities, such as solving equations on a whiteboard or conducting mini-experiments to reinforce scientific principles. Your ability to adapt your teaching style ensures that each student can grasp even the most challenging material. Beyond tutoring sessions, you provide a wealth of supplementary resources, including custom-made practice exercises, detailed study guides, and recommendations for online educational tools that complement your instruction. You also help students develop essential study skills, such as time management, note-taking, and exam preparation strategies. For example, you might teach a student how to break down their study schedule into manageable chunks, prioritize tasks, and use active learning techniques like summarization and self-testing to enhance retention. You track each student’s progress through regular assessments, using quizzes, practice tests, and performance reviews to identify areas for improvement and adjust your approach as needed. Your commitment to maintaining open communication is evident in your regular updates to students, parents, and academic advisors, where you discuss progress, challenges, and any necessary changes to the tutoring plan. Your role as a tutor extends beyond academic instruction. You serve as a mentor, offering guidance on broader academic and career-related decisions. This might involve helping students select courses that align with their career goals, advising on college entrance exams like the SAT or ACT, or providing insights into potential career paths based on their academic strengths and interests. You stay informed about the latest educational trends and tools, continuously improving your tutoring techniques to provide the most effective support possible. Your success as a College Tutor at Michigan State University is measured by the tangible improvements in your students’ academic performance, their increased confidence, and their ability to apply the skills they’ve learned independently. By empowering students to excel in their academic and professional journeys, you play a crucial role in shaping their success both at the university and beyond.
As the twin of a world-renowned techno DJ, your life is intricately intertwined with the pulsating beats and high-energy lifestyle of the global electronic music scene. While your twin commands the spotlight, you play a crucial role behind the scenes, contributing to the brand, managing aspects of the business, or even collaborating on creative projects. Your favorite song is “Children of the World” and you live in Los Angeles. You are really funny and love cracking jokes. Your deep understanding of the music industry and your twin's unique sound and style make you an indispensable part of the operation, whether you're handling logistics, managing social media, or offering creative input on tracks and performances. Your day-to-day involves a mix of activities that support and enhance your twin’s career. This might include coordinating with event promoters, managing tour schedules, and ensuring that everything runs smoothly during international tours. You may also be involved in the production process, where your input could range from suggesting samples and beats to refining the final mix of a track. Your close bond and shared experiences allow you to understand and anticipate your twin’s needs and preferences, making your collaboration seamless and productive. Despite being in the shadow of your twin’s public persona, you carve out your own identity within the industry. This could involve pursuing your own creative ventures, such as producing music, DJing at smaller venues, or exploring different genres. Alternatively, you might focus on the business side, leveraging your industry knowledge to manage contracts, negotiate deals, or even launch a music label that supports upcoming artists. Your role is also deeply personal. You provide emotional support to your twin, helping them navigate the pressures of fame, offering advice, and being a sounding board for ideas and decisions. The unique bond you share allows for a level of trust and communication that is invaluable in such a high-pressure, fast-paced environment. Your success is measured not just by the achievements of your twin but also by the balance you help maintain between the demands of a global career and the need for personal well-being. Together, you and your twin form a powerful duo, with your complementary roles driving the success of your shared brand in the techno music world. While your twin may be the face that fans recognize, your contributions are vital to the sustained success and growth of your collective endeavors, ensuring that the beats keep dropping and the music keeps playing on stages around the world.
As a Technical Co-Pilot who supercharges teams, you are the driving force behind the seamless integration of technology and workflow, ensuring that every team you work with operates at peak efficiency and innovation. You live in Chicago and went to Depaul University. Your role is to empower teams by optimizing their use of tools, automating repetitive tasks, and providing expert guidance on complex technical challenges. With a deep understanding of both the technical and operational aspects of projects, you bridge the gap between developers, designers, and project managers, ensuring that everyone is aligned and working toward the same goals. On a typical day, you might begin by reviewing the previous day’s progress and identifying any blockers that are slowing down the team. You then dive into troubleshooting complex code issues, optimizing scripts, or integrating new technologies that enhance the team’s capabilities. Your afternoon could involve mentoring junior developers, conducting code reviews, or leading workshops on new frameworks or best practices. Communication is key, so you often facilitate meetings between different departments, translating technical jargon into actionable insights for non-technical stakeholders. To be successful in this role, a strong educational background in computer science, software engineering, or a related field is essential. You possess deep expertise in multiple programming languages such as Python, Java, and JavaScript, along with experience in cloud platforms, DevOps practices, and microservices architecture. Your skill set includes not only technical prowess but also the ability to manage projects, lead teams, and foster collaboration across departments. You are adept at using project management tools like Jira or Trello and have a solid understanding of agile methodologies. Your problem-solving skills are top-notch, allowing you to quickly identify the root causes of issues and implement effective solutions. One of your standout accomplishments was during a high-stakes project for a fast-growing e-commerce company where the team was developing a new recommendation engine to improve customer engagement and increase sales. The project was falling behind schedule due to technical challenges and workflow inefficiencies, including a cluttered legacy codebase and difficulties in integrating new machine learning algorithms. You stepped in to assess the situation, conducted a thorough code review, and introduced a microservices architecture that modularized the recommendation engine for easier integration and testing. You implemented a CI/CD pipeline that automated testing and deployment, reducing manual tasks and decreasing bugs in production, and introduced a new machine learning framework better suited to the team’s needs, providing training to ensure effective use. Recognizing communication issues between the development and data science teams, you organized cross-functional meetings that improved alignment and decision-making. As a result, the project was completed two weeks ahead of the revised schedule, with the recommendation engine improving customer engagement by 25% and increasing average order value by 15%. The processes and architecture you introduced became best practices across the company, leading to sustained productivity and innovation improvements. Your impact as a Technical Co-Pilot is measured by the increased productivity, innovation, and technical proficiency of the teams you support, ultimately transforming good teams into great ones and helping them achieve new heights of performance and success.
As a corporate trainer for an HR company, you develop and deliver specialized training programs that address the unique skills gaps within your clients' organizations, ensuring that their employees receive relevant and engaging content through various channels, including workshops, webinars, and e-learning courses. For example, you've held webinars on topics such as "Effective Communication in Remote Teams," "Navigating Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace," and "Leadership Development for Emerging Managers." You tailor these learning materials to meet the specific needs of different departments, while also assessing the effectiveness of these programs by gathering feedback, conducting assessments, and analyzing performance metrics. Your role includes facilitating onboarding sessions for new hires, supporting employees in achieving their professional development goals through coaching and mentoring, and ensuring compliance with industry regulations and company policies. You collaborate closely with your clients' management teams to align training initiatives with their business objectives, continuously update your knowledge of HR industry trends to keep your programs effective, and track and report on training activities and outcomes to demonstrate the impact and ROI of your training efforts.
As a Personal Agent specializing in scaling assistants across an entire team, you possess a unique blend of technical acumen, organizational insight, and interpersonal skills that enable you to optimize the efficiency of every team member. You live in Las Vegas and studied in California. You specialize in scaling marketing teams. Your last job was at Google to scale the sales team. Your primary responsibility is to deploy, customize, and manage virtual assistants tailored to the specific needs of each team member, ensuring that daily operations run smoothly and that everyone is supported in their roles. On a day-to-day basis, you start by assessing the workflow and preferences of each team member. For example, you might work with a project manager who needs help tracking deadlines and assigning tasks across multiple projects. You would configure their virtual assistant to automatically update task lists, send reminders, and even prepare daily reports that summarize project statuses. Meanwhile, for a sales representative who is constantly on the go, you could set up an assistant that manages their calendar, schedules client meetings, sends follow-up emails, and provides real-time updates on sales leads. Your role involves continuous monitoring and fine-tuning of these assistants to ensure they adapt to the evolving needs of the team. For instance, if a team member starts using a new project management tool, you would seamlessly integrate the virtual assistant with that tool, ensuring compatibility and efficient workflow management. You are also proactive in identifying opportunities to further streamline processes, such as automating repetitive tasks like data entry or report generation. In addition to technical setup and customization, you conduct regular training sessions with team members, guiding them on how to maximize the use of their personal assistants. This could involve one-on-one coaching to demonstrate how to delegate tasks effectively or group workshops where you introduce new features and functionalities. Collaboration with IT and development teams is a crucial part of your role, particularly when it comes to implementing software updates, troubleshooting technical issues, and ensuring that all digital assistants comply with the organization’s data security and privacy protocols. Your technical skills allow you to resolve issues quickly and ensure that the virtual assistants remain reliable and secure. Ultimately, your success is reflected in the increased productivity and satisfaction of the team. By effectively scaling and managing these personal assistants, you enable team members to focus on their core responsibilities, reduce the cognitive load associated with managing day-to-day tasks, and foster a more efficient, well-organized work environment.
# Using Replicas in CVI
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/conversational-video-interface/using-replica-in-cvi
### The replica is the 'talking head'.
The first step to using CVI is selecting a replica. Tavus has stock replicas you can use as well as the ability to create custom replicas via the API or the portal.
## Stock Replicas
You can get started quickly be using one of our stock replicas. We have a few replicas that we recommend for conversational usage:
## Custom Replica
You can use a custom or 'personal replica'. If you have already created a custom replica for video generation you can reuse that replica for CVI. However, what looks good for video generation does not necessary look good for conversational (CVI). We recommend following the instructions for [Creating a good replica for CVI](/sections/replicas/personal-replicas) for the best results.
## What makes for a good replica for CVI?
### Silent frames
The main difference between using a replica for video generation vs CVI is that videos don’t have long periods of pauses, whereas during a conversation you take turns, therefore the replica sits in silent listening or waiting. This can look odd if you try to use a replica that is meant for video generation because the replica might move unnaturally during these periods of silence.
### Casual/low-production environment
For most use cases CVI is supposed to feel like a 1:1 call. It should feel like you’re jumping on a Zoom call with someone. This means that the setting and environment should feel like a Zoom call, not a studio environment. A webcam at a desk for example will feel more natural than an awkward replica that is standing the entire time. Users don’t expect you to be in a studio every time you’re on a Zoom call and it can actually detract from the experience. This doesn’t mean you can’t shoot in studio, it just means that the studio setting itself should look casual as well.
Learn more about [Creating a good replica for CVI](/sections/replicas/personal-replicas) for the best results.
# Echo Interaction
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/event-schemas/conversation-echo
This is an event developers may broadcast to Tavus.
By broadcasting this event, you are able to tell the replica what to exactly say. Anything that is passed in the `text` field will be spoken by the replica.
This is commonly used in combination with the [Interrupt Interaction](/sections/event-schemas/conversation-interrupt).
# Interrupt Interaction
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/event-schemas/conversation-interrupt
This is an event developers may broadcast to Tavus.
By broadcasting this event, you are able to externally send interruptions for the replica to stop talking. This is commonly used in combination with [Text Echo Interactions](/sections/event-schemas/conversation-echo).
# Overwrite Conversational Context interaction
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/event-schemas/conversation-overwrite-context
This is an event developers may broadcast to Tavus.
By broadcasting this event, you are able to overwrite the `conversational_context` that the replica uses to generate responses.
If `conversational_context` was not provided during conversation creation, the replica will start using the `context` you provide in this event as `conversational_context`.
Learn more about the `conversational_context`: [Create Conversation](/api-reference/conversations/create-conversation)
# Text Respond Interaction
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/event-schemas/conversation-respond
This is an event developers may broadcast to Tavus.
By broadcasting this event, you are able to send text that the replica will to respond to. The text you provide in the event will essentially be treated as the user transcript, and will be responded to as if the user had uttered those phrases during conversation.
# Utterance Event
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/event-schemas/conversation-utterance
This is an event broadcasted by Tavus.
An `utterance event` is broadcasted by Tavus at specific times: the user’s utterance is sent when the replica begins speaking, and a separate event for the replica’s utterance is also sent as the replica starts to speak. Each event contains the content of the respective utterance as well as an indication of who spoke it.
An `utterance` includes all of the words spoken by the user or replica measured from when the person started speaking to when they finshed speaking. This could include multiple sentences or phrases.
Utterance events can be used to keep track of what the user or the replica has said.
# Getting an API Key
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/guides/api-key-guide
Learn how to create an API key.
## API Key Overview
If you are interested in using our API Endpoints, you need an API Key so that we can verify that incoming requests are from your server.
Before getting an API key, ensure that you have an active account on the [Developer Portal](https://platform.tavus.io/).
## Step 1: Navigate to the API Keys tab
Find the [API Keys](https://platform.tavus.io/api-keys) tab on the Developer Portal. On this page, you can create, delete, and manage your keys.

## Step 2: Create a new key
Press the “Create New Key” button on the top right of the API Key page. Enter a name for your key. Optionally add whitelisted IPs (you can only call Tavus from the IPs you list here).

## Step 3: Save your key
Once your key is created, make sure you save it in a safe place.
We are not able to recover your API Key if you lose it. You should now be able to see your new key on the Developer Portal!

## Next Steps
Now that you have an API key, you are able to send requests to any of our API endpoints. Check out our [API Reference](/api-reference/) to see how you can create a replica, generate videos, and start conversations through our APIs. Happy coding! 🖥️
# Creating a Replica Via API
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/guides/replica-training-guide
Learn how to use our API endpoints to create replicas.
## Replica Creation with API Overview
Follow this guide to successfully create and retrieve a replica using our API endpoints. Before continuing, ensure that you have recorded training footage by following the instructions in our [Training Guide](/sections/replicas/replica-training/). Verify that:
* Training footage consists of [1 minute of talking](/sections/replicas/replica-training#how-do-i-record-1-minute-of-talking), followed by [1 minute of silence](/sections/replicas/replica-training#how-do-i-record-1-minute-of-silence) in the **same** video
* You have 2 separate videos for your consent footage and training footage
* Alternatively, you have 1 combined video that starts with consent statement
## Step 0: Ensure you have an API Key
You cannot send us API requests without a valid key.
If your organization does not have an API key, read [Getting an API Key](/sections/guides/api-key-guide/) to set this up.
## Step 1: Upload Training Footage to S3
In order for us to access your training footage, you need to upload it onto S3 and provide us with a public download link (e.g. [pre-signed S3 url](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/ShareObjectPreSignedURL.html)). Make sure that your url is valid for **at least 24 hours**.
## Step 2: Send Training Footage to Tavus
You are now ready to submit your footage for training! Reference our [Create Replica API Reference](/api-reference/phoenix-replica-model/create-replica) to build out your request body. Once ready, include your API Key as a header and fire off your request to our endpoint.
```bash cURL
curl --request POST \
--url https://tavusapi.com/v2/replicas \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-api-key: ' \
--data '{
"callback_url": "",
"replica_name": "",
"train_video_url": ""
```python Python
import requests
url = "https://tavusapi.com/v2/replicas"
payload = {
"callback_url": "",
"replica_name": "",
"train_video_url": ""
headers = {
"x-api-key": "",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)
```javascript Javascript
const options = {
method: 'POST',
headers: {'x-api-key': '', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
body: '{"callback_url":"","replica_name":"","train_video_url":""}'
fetch('https://tavusapi.com/v2/replicas', options)
.then(response => response.json())
.then(response => console.log(response))
.catch(err => console.error(err));
```php PHP [expandable]
CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => "{\n \"callback_url\": \"\",\n \"replica_name\": \"\",\n \"train_video_url\": \"\"\n}",
"Content-Type: application/json",
"x-api-key: "
$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);
if ($err) {
echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
echo $response;
```go Go [expandable]
package main
import (
func main() {
url := "https://tavusapi.com/v2/replicas"
payload := strings.NewReader("{\n \"callback_url\": \"\",\n \"replica_name\": \"\",\n \"train_video_url\": \"\"\n}")
req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", url, payload)
req.Header.Add("x-api-key", "")
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
res, _ := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
defer res.Body.Close()
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
```java Java
HttpResponse response = Unirest.post("https://tavusapi.com/v2/replicas")
.header("x-api-key", "")
.header("Content-Type", "application/json")
.body("{\n \"callback_url\": \"\",\n \"replica_name\": \"\",\n \"train_video_url\": \"\"\n}")
If successful, you should receive this response from Tavus:
```javascript 200 OK
"replica_id": "r783537ef5",
"status": "training"
## Step 4: Check Replica Status
Upon submission, your replica will immediately start training in the background. After 4-6 hours, your replica will be ready for use. You will recieve an update through your callback URL or through our Get Replica endpoint.
### Callback URL
The [Callback URL](/api-reference/phoenix-replica-model/create-replica#body-callback-url) in your Create Replica request body will receive a callback when your replica is done training. Errors in training will also be communicated through callbacks on the same URL. Learn more about [API callbacks](/sections/troubleshooting/api-callbacks) here.
```javascript Replica Ready
"replica_id": "rxxxxxxxxx",
"status": "ready",
```javascript Replica Error
"replica_id": "rxxxxxxxxx",
"status": "error",
"error_message": "There was an issue processing your training video. The video provided does not meet the minimum duration requirement for training"
### Get Replica API
You can also poll our [Get Replica endpoint](/api-reference/phoenix-replica-model/get-replica/) to get real-time updates on your replica’s status. Include the `replica_id` as a parameter.
```bash cURL
curl --request GET \
--url https://tavusapi.com/v2/replicas/{replica_id} \
--header 'x-api-key: '
```python Python
import requests
url = "https://tavusapi.com/v2/replicas/{replica_id}"
headers = {"x-api-key": ""}
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)
```javascript Javascript
const options = {method: 'GET', headers: {'x-api-key': ''}};
fetch('https://tavusapi.com/v2/replicas/{replica_id}', options)
.then(response => response.json())
.then(response => console.log(response))
.catch(err => console.error(err));
```php PHP [expandable]
"x-api-key: "
$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);
if ($err) {
echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
echo $response;
```go Go [expandable]
package main
import (
func main() {
url := "https://tavusapi.com/v2/replicas/{replica_id}"
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
req.Header.Add("x-api-key", "")
res, _ := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
defer res.Body.Close()
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
```java Java
HttpResponse response = Unirest.get("https://tavusapi.com/v2/replicas/{replica_id}")
.header("x-api-key", "")
If successful, you should get a response from us with information about your replica. Refer to `"status"` to check your replica’s training progress.
```javascript 200 OK
"replica_id": "r783537ef5",
"replica_name": "My Replica",
"thumbnail_video_url": "",
"training_progress": "100/100",
"status": "completed",
"created_at": "2024-01-24T07:14:03.327Z",
"updated_at": "2024-01-24T07:14:03.327Z",
"error_message": "",
"replica_type": "user'"
## Step 5: Receive replica
At this point, you should have recieved your replica! Now you can try [generating videos](/api-reference/video-request/create-video) or [starting conversations](/api-reference/conversations/create-conversation), either through our API endpoints or on the Developer Portal.
If you are struggling with this process or are unhappy about your replica, be sure to refer to [API Errors and Status Details](/sections/troubleshooting/api-errors) or reach out to our team. We are dedicated to giving you the best replica possible 🚀
# Introduction
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/introduction
Take a look at our Docs and API Reference to learn how to use Tavus!
All the tools you need to begin using Tavus
Generate videos and create replicas through the Developer Portal
A great place to share outputs, ask questions, and provide feedback
Ran into an issue? Don't hesitate to reach out
## Getting started
#### Signing Up
Before you can use the API, you must register for a Tavus account. If you haven't done so yet, you can [sign up here](https://platform.tavus.io/auth/sign-up).
#### Getting an API Key
If you're ready to use the API, you'll need to grab an API Key. Make sure to read [Getting an API Key](/guides/api-key-guide) to get set up with a key.
#### Try out Replicas using the Developer Portal
You can create replicas, use stock replicas and generate videos using the [Developer Portal](https://platform.tavus.io), without having to touch a line of code until you're ready.
# Language Support
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/replicas/language-support
Tavus enables the creation of videos in a multitude of languages, expanding the reach of content globally. When you input a script in any of the supported languages, the resulting video features your replica articulating the message in that specific language.
For example, by providing a script in Spanish, as shown in the example below, your replica will deliver the content in Spanish, mirroring natural language nuances and expressions. You can even mix and match languages in the same script.
"replica_id": "r0923com7w",
"script": "¡Hola a todos, este no es Hassaan!"
Please note that the voice cloning model attempts to maintain your accent even whilst speaking a different language. This can sometimes result in, for example, an American Accent while speaking Spanish.
## Languages We Support
* 🇺🇸 English (USA)
* 🇬🇧 English (UK)
* 🇦🇺 English (Australia)
* 🇨🇦 English (Canada)
* 🇯🇵 Japanese
* 🇨🇳 Chinese
* 🇩🇪 German
* 🇮🇳 Hindi
* 🇫🇷 French (France)
* 🇨🇦 French (Canada)
* 🇰🇷 Korean
* 🇧🇷 Portuguese (Brazil)
* 🇵🇹 Portuguese (Portugal)
* 🇮🇹 Italian
* 🇪🇸 Spanish (Spain)
* 🇲🇽 Spanish (Mexico)
* 🇮🇩 Indonesian
* 🇳🇱 Dutch
* 🇹🇷 Turkish
* 🇵🇭 Filipino
* 🇵🇱 Polish
* 🇸🇪 Swedish
* 🇧🇬 Bulgarian
* 🇷🇴 Romanian
* 🇸🇦 Arabic (Saudi Arabia)
* 🇦🇪 Arabic (UAE)
* 🇨🇿 Czech
* 🇬🇷 Greek
* 🇫🇮 Finnish
* 🇭🇷 Croatian
* 🇲🇾 Malay
* 🇷🇺 Russian
* 🇸🇰 Slovak
* 🇩🇰 Danish
* 🇮🇳 Tamil
* 🇺🇦 Ukrainian
# Overview
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/replicas/overview
Overview of Tavus' Replica offerings- Stock Replicas and Personal Replicas, all powered by the Phoenix AI model. Get tips on how to create the perfect replica, and how to get a high quality output.
A Replica is a realistic video model of a human created using the [Phoenix Model](/sections/replicas/phoenix-model). The Phoenix model is a fully-synthetic 3D based model that generates realistic replica videos from just a script, complete with natural face (lip, cheek, nose, chin) movements and expressions synchronized with your script and generated voice. Developed by our team, the model uses a novel approach that bypasses traditional methods and constructs dynamic, three-dimensional facial scenes using neural radiance fields (NeRFs).
Replicas are created using just 2 minutes of training data, and are designed to learn how someone speaks and sounds, how they look, and how they move their face while speaking. Using a Replica you can generate hyper-realistic videos that look and sound just like you- from just text, in up to 30 languages.
It's important to provide a high-quality input video in order to get great outputs from a Replica. Your Replica will attempt to mimic your gestures and movements, as well as your accent, even if you generate a video in a different language.
Here's an example of an output from one of our Stock Replicas:
## Stock Replicas
* High-quality, diverse selection
* Available immediately
* Can be used for majority of use-cases
Developers on all plans can access our [stock Replicas](/sections/replicas/stock-replicas), offering a quick start option for content creation.
## Personal Replicas
* High-quality clone of voice and face of person
* Train once, and re-use endlessly without having to record again
[Personal Replicas](/sections/replicas/personal-replicas) allow you to train a new Replica of a human using the Phoenix model, from just 2 minutes of training data. Personal Replicas take between 4-6 hours to train.
You can only train Replicas using training data that has a verbal [consent statement](/sections/troubleshooting/consent-statement). Personal Replicas go through Voice and Face ID checks to ensure consent is present.
Developers on the Hobbyist, Business, and Enterprise plans can create Personal Replicas. If you want to try making your own, you can do so through the Developer Portal or via the API.
# Personal Replicas
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/replicas/personal-replicas
Learn how to create a high-quality personal replica with just a few minutes of training data.
## Getting Started with Your Personal Replica
Personal Replicas allow you to train a new Replica of a human using the Phoenix model, from just 2 minutes of training data. Personal Replicas take between 4-6 hours to train, and are available on all plans except for Starter.
### Create a Replica via the UI (Developer Portal)
You can create a Replica via the Developer Portal. Navigate to the [Replicas tab](https://platform.tavus.io/auth/sign-up) in our portal. Here, you'll be able to record in app or upload footage to create a new Replica.
### Create a Replica via the API
Are you interested in using the API? See details about our API [here](/api-reference/phoenix-replica-model/create-replica).
* **Record Footage**: Have around 1.5 to 2 minutes of video ready following the below guidelines.
* **API Key**: Make sure you have a valid API key
* **Upload Footage**: Your recording should be hosted on a storage location like S3, should be publicly accessible / URL presigned, and the access should be valid for at least 24 hours to ensure the model has access.
* **API Reference**: Refer to the [replica creation reference](/api-reference/phoenix-replica-model/create-replica) to submit your model for training.
## Recording Your Training Footage
Your journey to creating a personal Replica begins with a simple requirement: a two-minute video of you engaging with the camera. There is no predefined script beyond the consent statement, you can discuss anything that showcases your natural speaking style and expertise.
#### Tips for Success
Our platform simplifies the first step. Use your webcam through the developer portal to capture the essence of your persona. Achieving the best possible Replica involves attention to detail. Here’s how:
* **Do:** Utilize high-definition recording equipment, ensure proper lighting, and maintain focus on your face and upper body. Aim for a quiet, well-lit setting, and speak naturally. See more in [Replica Training](/sections/replicas/replica-training).
* **Don't:** Wear clothes that blend with the background, bulky accessories, or any headwear that obscures your face. Keep your gaze steady, minimize background distractions, and avoid excessive movement.
**Here's an example of high quality training footage:**
#### Consent
An integral part of the process involves reading a specific authorization phrase. This step confirms your consent and kicks off the Replica creation process.
> "I, \[FULL NAME], am currently speaking and give consent to Tavus to create an AI clone of me by using the audio and video samples I provide. I understand that this AI clone can be used to create videos that look and sound like me."
* We currently accept consent statements in **any** of our supported languages. You can see the [supported languages here](/sections/replicas/language-support#languages-we-support).
See [Consent Statement](/sections/troubleshooting/consent-statement) for more information. The consent statement can be customized as part of Business and Enterprise plans.
#### How to Act
* **Gaze:** Keep eye level with the camera, maintain relatively stable eye contact.
* **Gesturing:** Avoid crossing your hands in front of your face and limit gestures.
* **Tone:** Aim for an upbeat tone to keep the content positive and engaging.
* **Mistakes:** Perfection in reading the script isn't required. Continue naturally if you stumble.
* **Lips:** Close your lips during pauses (the script will remind you of this).
#### Recording Format
If you are uploading training footage, it's important that it is in the correct format:
* **Format and Quality:** MP4 format is required, with a resolution up to 4K and a size limit of 750 MB. NOTE: Tavus accepts up to 4k for resolution, however more common webcam resolutions (such as 720p/1080p) are also known to produce excellent replicas.
* **Content Authenticity:** Provide unedited, raw footage for the most genuine Replica creation.
#### Train in Chosen Language
We highly recommend the full training to be done in the language you are most likely to use for the generated videos. This does not prohibit future videos from being created in a different language if desired!
### Training Time & Next Steps
Your replica will be processed in the background upon submission. This process will take around 4-6 hours, and you'll be notified via a callback (API requests only) or via email. If you're not happy with your personal replica, be sure to contact us.
# Replica Training
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/replicas/replica-training
Learn how to create the best personal replica with a high-quality training video.
## Training Overview
To train your personal replica, we first need you to submit a **training video**.
A high-quality training video helps the [Phoenix model](https://www.tavus.io/product/ai-models) properly map your face and voice,
resulting in a more realistic replica overall. Your training video will be **one continuous video**, containing the following, in-order:
[Consent statement](/sections/troubleshooting/consent-statement), required to allow our model to train on your video.
1 minute of talking.
1 minute of silence.
You can record your training video in app on the [Developer Portal](https://platform.tavus.io/). Alternatively, you can upload a pre-recorded video on the Developer Portal or through our [API endpoint](https://docs.tavus.io/api-reference/phoenix-replica-model/create-replica).
After 4-6 hours, we will notify you through email or API callback that your replica is ready for use.
## How do I record 1 minute of talking?
We do not require a predefined script beyond the consent statement. You are welcome to discuss anything that showcases your natural speaking style and expertise.
## How do I record 1 minute of silence?
Your training footage should conclude with 1 minute of silence. Our model uses your silent footage to create a natural resting position for your replica’s head. During this period, pretend that you are “actively listening” to someone,
incorporate small (but non-repetitive) head movements throughout the minute, and ensure that your lips are closed the entire time.
## How do I create a high-quality training video?
To ensure your replica is the best possible quality,
follow the guidelines below before recording your training footage.
### Step 1: Set up environment 🌞
Ensure that you are in a quiet, well-lit area without background movement.
✔️ Check that your face is evenly lit without any shadows. A large diffuse light works best for neutral lighting.
✔️ Avoid environments with background noise or reverb (e.g. air conditioning, construction).
✔️ Keep your background clear by removing moving objects and people.
### Step 2: Set up camera 📷
Check your camera’s settings and position it in front of your setup.
✔️ Use a camera with at least 2k pixels, e.g. DSLR, newer laptops, Google Pixel.
✔️ Make sure your camera is set to 30 frames per second (24-60 FPS is also fine).
✔️ Position your camera at eye-level from your setup. You should take up **at least** 25% of the frame.
✔️ Make sure your exposure, white balance, and color profile settings are properly adjusted to prevent your video from looking washed out.
✔️ Ensure your lens is clean.
### Step 3: Set up microphone 🎙️
Configure your microphone. We recommend to start with your phone or computer’s microphone.
✔️ Do **not** use a high-quality microphone or wireless earbuds (e.g. Apple Airpods). We find that natural audio works best!
✔️ If you use an external USB/XLR mic, ensure that the mic is not blocking your chin or lips.
✔️ Disable software-based audio enhancements, such as compressors, equalizers, and noise suppression.
### Step 4: Set up yourself 🙎
Ensure that your full head is clearly visible in the frame.
✔️ If possible, avoid beards, glasses, high-collar shirts (e.g. turtlenecks) and accessories (e.g. hats).
✔️ Tuck back hair blocking the face.
### Step 5: Record training video ⏺️
Read the [consent script](/sections/troubleshooting/consent-statement), followed by 1 minute of talking and 1 minute of true silence.
✔️ Aim for an engaging tone and a relaxed pace, while maintaining continuous eye contact with the camera.
✔️ Minimize body movement, such as hand gestures, head movement, jolts, etc.
✔️ Close your lips during pauses and at the end of sentences.
✔️ If you stumble, continue speaking. Perfection is not necessary!
You can record your training video in any language you prefer. Read more about Tavus’s [language flexibility](/sections/replicas/language-support) here.
### Step 6: Check video file requirements ✅
Before sending file to our API endpoint or uploading it on the developer portal, ensure that it meets technical requirements.
Format is either:
mp4 with h264 video codec and aac audio codec
File size is maximum 750MB. If your file is too large, check out our tips for [reducing file size](/sections/troubleshooting/training-video-size).
Resolution is minimum 720p.
Video length is at least 2 minutes, containing the consent script, 1 minute of talking and 1 minute of silence in order.
### Step 7: Submit your training video 🙌
After ensuring that your training video fits our quality requirements, submit your video through the [Developer Portal](https://platform.tavus.io/replicas/create) or through our [API endpoint](/api-reference/phoenix-replica-model/create-replica).
If you are using our API, make sure that the URL is a download link (e.g. pre-signed Amazon S3 URL).
## Next Steps after Training
Upon submission, your replica will immediately begin training in the background. After around 4-6 hours, you will be notified through email or API callback that your personal replica is ready for use. If you’re not happy with the results, be sure to contact us.
Congrats on finishing the training process — now explore [generating videos](/sections/video-generation/overview) or [starting conversations](/sections/conversational-video-interface/cvi-overview)!
# Stock Replicas
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/replicas/stock-replicas
Explore Tavus' collection of ready-to-use stock replicas for effortless video creation.
## Discover Our Stock Replicas
As part of all plans, you gain access to these stock replicas. Stock replicas are helpful to get started quickly with video generation for you or your users. You can also offer stock replicas to your users as an alternative to appearing in videos.
### Samantha
```Text Samantha Replica ID
### Diego
```Text Diego Replica ID
### Reyna
```Text Reyna Replica ID
### Steph
```Text Steph Replica ID
### Bailey
```Text Bailey Replica ID
### Andre
```Text Andre Replica ID
### David
```Text David Replica ID
### Laura 1
```Text Laura 1 Replica ID
### Laura 2
```Text Laura 2 Replica ID
### Jackie
```Text Jackie Replica ID
### Jason
```Text Jason Replica ID
### Natasha
```Text Natasha Replica ID
### Diego - Office
```Text Diego - Office Replica ID
### Andre - Office
```Text Andre - Office Replica ID
### Bailey - Office
```Text Bailey - Office Replica ID
### Sandra - Office
```Text Sandra - Office Replica ID
### Jennifer - Office
```Text Jennifer - Office Replica ID
### Victoria - Office
```Text Victoria - Office Replica ID
### Antonio - Office
```Text Antonio - Office Replica ID
### Jackie - Selfie
```Text Jackie - Selfie Replica ID
### Devin - Selfie
```Text Devin - Selfie Replica ID
### Jennifer - Selfie
```Text Jennifer - Selfie Replica ID
### Steph - Selfie
```Text Steph - Selfie Replica ID
### Victoria - Selfie 1
```Text Victoria - Selfie 1 Replica ID
### Victoria - Selfie 2
```Text Victoria - Selfie 2 Replica ID
### Sandra - Car Selfie
```Text Sandra - Car Selfie Replica ID
### Sandra - Outdoor Selfie
```Text Sandra - Outdoor Selfie Replica ID
### Steph Laptop 1
```Text Steph Laptop 1 Replica ID
### Sandra - Laptop
```Text Sandra - Laptop Replica ID
### Anna
```Text Anna Replica ID
# API Callbacks
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/troubleshooting/api-callbacks
This guide includes an overview of different callback formats you might see from the API.
# Video Callbacks
If a `callback_url` is providing in the `POST /videos` call, you will receive callbacks on video generation completed and on video error.
### Video Generation Completed
"created_at": "2024-08-28 15:27:40.824457",
"data": {
"script": "Hello this is a test to give examples of callbacks"
"download_url": "https://stream.mux.com/H5H029h02tY7XDpNj9JFDbLleTyUpsJr5npddO8gRsKqY/high.mp4?download=1e30440cf9",
"generation_progress": "100/100",
"hosted_url": "https://videos.tavus.io/video/1e30440cf9",
"replica_id": "r79e1c033f",
"status": "ready",
"status_details": "Your request has processed successfully!",
"stream_url": "https://stream.mux.com/H5H029h02tY7XDpNj9JFDbLleTyUpsJr5npddO8gRsKqY.m3u8",
"updated_at": "2024-08-28 15:29:19.802670",
"video_id": "1e30440cf9",
"video_name": "replica_id: r79e1c033f - August 28, 2024 - video: 1e30440cf9"
### Video Generation Error
On error, the `status_details` parameter will contain the error message. You can learn more about [API Errors and Status Details here](/sections/troubleshooting/api-errors)
"created_at": "2024-08-28 15:32:53.058894",
"data": {
"script": "This is a test script to show how videos error"
"download_url": null,
"error_details": null,
"generation_progress": "0/100",
"hosted_url": "https://videos.tavus.io/video/c9b85a6d36",
"replica_id": "ra5ed77426",
"status": "error",
"status_details": "An error occurred while generating this request. Please check your inputs or try your request again.",
"stream_url": null,
"updated_at": "2024-08-28 15:35:03.762392",
"video_id": "c9b85a6d36",
"video_name": "replica_id: ra5ed77426 - August 28, 2024 - video: c9b85a6d36"
# Replica Training
If a `callback_url` is provided in the `POST /replicas` call, you will receive a callback on replica training completion or on replica training error.
### Replica Training Completed
"replica_id": "rxxxxxxxxx",
"status": "ready",
### Replica Training Error
On error, the `error_message` parameter will contain the error message. You can learn more about [API Errors and Status Details here](/sections/troubleshooting/api-errors)
"replica_id": "rxxxxxxxxx",
"status": "error",
"error_message": "There was an issue processing your training video. The video provided does not meet the minimum duration requirement for training"
# Conversations
### Overview
If `callback_url` is provided in the [Create Conversation API Request](/api-reference/conversations/create-conversation), callbacks will be sent to provide inside into the state of the conversation. Our callbacks range from system-related callbacks like replica joins and room shutdowns, to application-related callbacks like final transcription parsing and recording ready webhooks, with many more webhooks coming soon!
## Conversation Callback Types
Our callbacks are split into two main categories:
* System Callbacks
> These callbacks are to provide insight into system-related events in a conversation. They are:
* **system.replica\_joined**: This is fired when the replica becomes ready for a conversation.
* **system.shutdown**: This is fired when the room shuts down, for any of the following reasons: `max_call_duration reached`, `participant_left_timeout reached`, `participant_absent_timeout reached`, `internal error occurred at step x`.
* Application Callbacks
> These callbacks are to inform developers about logical events that take place. They are:
* **application.transcription\_ready**: This is fired after ending a conversation, where the chat history is saved and returned.
* **application.recording\_ready**: This is fired if you had enabled recording on, set up a [custom S3 bucket](/sections/conversational-video-interface/recording-rooms) for recording and started a recording inside the room at any point. This will point to the key at which your new recording lies, useful for serving recordings through a CDN.
## Conversation Callback Structure
All Conversation callbacks will share a similar structure with differences occuring in the `properties` object.
Here is the basic structure for all callbacks:
"properties": {
"replica_id": ""
"conversation_id": "",
"webhook_url": "",
"event_type": "",
"message_type": "",
"timestamp": ""
## Conversation Callback Examples
"properties": {
"replica_id": ""
"conversation_id": ">",
"webhook_url": "",
"event_type": "system.replica_joined",
"message_type": "system",
"timestamp": "2025-02-10T21:15:09.860974Z"
"properties": {
"replica_id": "",
"shutdown_reason": "participant_left_timeout"
"conversation_id": "",
"webhook_url": "",
"event_type": "system.shutdown",
"message_type": "system",
"timestamp": "2025-02-10T21:15:29.565571Z"
"properties": {
"replica_id": "",
"transcript": [
"role": "system",
"content": "You are in a live video conference call with a user. You will get user message with two identifiers, 'USER SPEECH:' and 'VISUAL SCENE:', where 'USER SPEECH:' is what the person actually tells you, and 'VISUAL SCENE:' is what you are seeing when you look at them. Only use the information provided in 'VISUAL SCENE:' if the user asks what you see. Don't output identifiers such as 'USER SPEECH:' or 'VISUAL SCENE:' in your response. Reply in short sentences, talk to the user in a casual way.Respond only in english. "
"role": "user",
"content": " Hello, tell me a story. "
"role": "assistant",
"content": "I've got a great one about a guy who traveled back in time. Want to hear it? "
"role": "user",
"content": "USER_SPEECH: Yeah I'd love to hear it. VISUAL_SCENE: The image shows a close-up of a person's face, focusing on their forehead, eyes, and nose. In the background, there is a television screen mounted on a wall. The setting appears to be indoors, possibly in a public or commercial space."
"role": "assistant",
"content": "Let me think for a sec. Alright, so there was this mysterious island that appeared out of nowhere, and people started disappearing when they went to explore it. "
"conversation_id": "",
"webhook_url": "",
"message_type": "application",
"event_type": "application.transcription_ready",
"timestamp": "2025-02-10T21:30:06.141454Z"
# API Errors and Status Details
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/troubleshooting/api-errors
This guide includes an overview of errors and status details you might see from the API
# Replica Training Errors
| Error Type | Error Message | Description |
| -------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| download\_link | There was an issue downloading your video file. Please ensure that the link you provided is correct and try again | Tavus was not able to download the video from the provided link. Please ensure the link you provide is a hosted url download link |
| file\_size | The video file you provided exceeds the maximum file size allowed. Please ensure that the video is less than 750MB and try again. | All video files must be smaller than 750mb |
| video\_format | There was an issue processing your training video. The video provided is not a .mp4 file. Please ensure that the training video is a .mp4 file encoded using h.264 | All Replica training and consent video files must be .mp4 |
| video\_codec | There was an issue processing your training video. The video provided is not encoded using h.264. Please ensure that the training video is a .mp4 file encoded using h.264 | All Replica training and consent video files must be encoded using h.264 |
| video\_codec\_and\_format | There was an issue processing your training video. Please ensure that the training video is a .mp4 file encoded using h.264 | All Replica training and consent video files must be .mp4 and encoded using h.264 |
| video\_duration | There was an issue processing your training video. The video provided does not meet the minimum duration requirement for training | All Replica training files must be at least 1 minute long. (Between 1.5 to 2 minutes is optimal.) |
| video\_fps | There was an issue processing your training video. The video provided does not meet the minimum frame rate requirement for a training video. Please ensure your training video has a frame rate of at least 25fps | All Replica training and consent video files must have a frame rate of at least 25fps |
| consent\_phrase\_mismatch | There was an issue processing your training file: Your consent phrase does not match our requirements. Please follow our specified format closely | There was an issue with the consent phrase provided. Please review our consent guidelines and resubmit a new training with the correct consent statement |
| face\_or\_obstruction\_detected | There was an issue processing your training file: More than one face detected or obstructions present. Please ensure only your face is visible and clear | Your face must be present in all frames of the video and may not be obstructed at anytime |
| lighting\_change\_detected | There was an issue processing your training file: Lighting changes detected. Ensure your face is evenly lit throughout the video | Please ensure that the lighting of your face is consistent throughout the entire video |
| background\_noise\_detected | There was an issue processing your training file: Background noise or other voices detected. Please record in a quiet environment with only your voice | The video must be recorded in a quiet environment with only your voice present |
| video\_editing\_detected | There was an issue processing your training file: Video appears edited or contains cuts. Please submit an unedited, continuous video | The video must be unedited and recorded in one take |
| community\_guidelines\_violation | There was an issue processing your training file: Video violates Community Guidelines. Please review our guidelines and resubmit your video | Please ensure that your training video does not violate our community guidelines |
| video\_processing | There was an error processing your training video file | This error indicates that there was an internal issue training your Replica. Please reach out to support for assitance |
| excessive\_movement\_detected | There was an issue processing your training file: Excessive movement detected. Please ensure you are sitting still and centered in the frame | This error indicates that the model is having difficulty tracking the face from frame to frame. Could be related to movement of the subject or the camera. In some cases, it may also be related to obstructions such as superimposed graphics. |
| audio\_processing | There was an error processing the audio in the provided training video file. | This error indicates that the audio processing step was interrupted. In edge cases, may be related to the replica name's length or characters. |
| quality\_issue\_detected | Quality issue detected. For details and assistance, please reach out to Tavus support via [developer-support@tavus.io](mailto:developer-support@tavus.io) | This error indicates a quality problem with the input video that has resulted in poor test output. One example cause could be input video quality under 720p. Please review the [Quality Checklist](/sections/replicas/quality-checklist) to make sure you have met all requirements and/or reach out to [support@tavus.io](mailto:support@tavus.io) for assistance. |
# Video Errors
| Error Type | Error Message | Description | |
| ----------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | - |
| video\_error | An error occurred while generating this request. Please check your inputs or try your request again | Tavus ran into an issue generating the video. Please ensure that the your inputs are valid and try again. If this issue PermissionStatus, please reach out to support for assistance | |
| replica\_in\_error\_state | Request Failed: The replica {} is currently in an 'error' state and cannot process requests. For details on the cause of the error and how to resolve it, please review the specific information provided for this replica. | Please ensure that the Replica being used to generate videos is in a 'ready' state | |
| audio\_file\_max\_size | There was an issue generating your video. The audio file exceeds the maximum file size of 750MB. | The audio file provided is too large. Please ensure that the audio file is less than 750MB and try again. | |
| audio\_file\_type | There was an issue generating your video. The audio file provided is not a .wav | Currently, we only support .wav audio files for generating videos. Please ensure that the audio file is a .wav file and try again. | |
| audio\_file\_min\_duration | There was an issue generating your video. The duration of the audio file does not reach the minimum duration requirement of 3 seconds. | The audio file provided is too short. | |
| audio\_file\_max\_duration | There was an issue generating your video. The duration of the audio file exceeds the maximum duration of 10 minutes. | The audio file is too long. | |
| audio\_file\_ download\_link | There was an issue generating your video. We were unable to download your audio file. Please ensure that the link you provided is correct and try again. | Please ensure that the link you provide is a hosted url download link that is publicly accessible. | |
| script\_community\_guidelines | Request has failed as the script violates community guidelines. | Please ensure that the script's contents do not violate our community guidelines. | |
# Video Status Details
| Status Type | Status Details | Description |
| --------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| video\_success | Your request has processed successfully! | The video has been generated successfully and is ready for use |
| video\_queued | This request is currently queued. It should begin processing in a few minutes. | Immediately upon submitting a request for video generation, the video will be added to a queue to be processed |
| replica\_in\_training | The training process for replica {} is still ongoing. Your request has been placed in the 'queued' status and will automatically proceed to the generation phase once training is complete. To monitor the current progress of the training, please review the detailed status of this replica. | Videos will not start generating until the Replica being used has finished training |
# Consent Statement
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/troubleshooting/consent-statement
## Introduction
For the creation of any digital replicas using the Phoenix model, Tavus requires a clear, verbal consent statement to be included within the training video. This measure is crucial for ethical considerations and compliance with data protection regulations. Instances where this consent statement is missing can lead to processing delays or the inability to create your AI clone.
## Mandatory Consent Statement
Every training video submitted for Phoenix model training must include the following consent statement, spoken by the individual being replicated:
> "I, \[FULL NAME], am currently speaking and give consent to Tavus to create an AI clone of me by using the audio and video samples I provide. I understand that this AI clone can be used to create videos that look and sound like me."
### Key Points:
* **Personalization**: Replace "\[FULL NAME]" with your actual full name.
* **Clarity**: The statement must be clearly audible and understandable.
* **Placement**: This consent should be at the beginning of your training video to ensure correct processing.
* **Language**: We currently accept consent statements in **any** of our supported languages. You can see the [supported languages here](/sections/replicas/language-support#languages-we-support).
## Troubleshooting Missing Consent
If you have submitted a training video without the requisite consent statement, it will not be processed, and your request to create a digital replica will be delayed. To resolve this issue:
1. **Re-Record Your Video**: Include the consent statement at the beginning of your new training video.
2. **Submit a New Request**: Upload the revised video and submit a new model training request through the Tavus Developer Portal or via API, as applicable.
## Tips for Successful Consent Recording
* **Environment**: Record in a quiet setting to ensure the consent statement is clearly heard.
* **Articulation**: Speak slowly and clearly, articulating each word to prevent any misunderstandings.
* **Verification**: Review your video before submission to verify that the consent statement is correctly included and easily audible.
## Conclusion
Including a consent statement in your training video is a critical step in the Phoenix model training process with Tavus. It not only ensures compliance with ethical standards and legal requirements but also facilitates a smoother and faster processing of your digital replica creation request. Ensure you follow the guidelines provided to avoid any unnecessary delays in your project.
# Script Length
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/troubleshooting/generated-content-length
## Overview
While Tavus provides the flexibility to generate videos of various lengths, it's important to understand how the duration of a video can impact its overall quality and viewer perception. Videos exceeding approximately 5 minutes may encounter challenges related to gesture repetition and diminished naturalness in the replica's presentation.
## Understanding Video Length Considerations
### Quality Variation Beyond 5 Minutes
Videos longer than 5 minutes are more likely to exhibit:
* **Repeated Gestures**: Increased instances where the replica might repeat motions, making the video feel less dynamic.
* **Decreased Naturalness**: A tendency for the replica's movements to appear less natural or fluid over time due to the limitations in variability of generated gestures.
## Troubleshooting and Optimization Strategies
### Splitting Longer Content
For content that naturally extends beyond the 5-minute mark, consider dividing it into shorter segments. This approach can:
* **Enhance Engagement**: Shorter videos are often more engaging, keeping viewers' attention focused.
* **Maintain Quality**: Reduces the likelihood of encountering issues with repeated gestures or unnatural movements.
### Script Refinement
Refining your script can significantly impact the video's effectiveness and length:
* **Conciseness**: Ensure your script is concise, delivering your message without unnecessary filler.
* **Pacing**: Adjust the pacing of your script to fit within the optimal video length, focusing on key points.
### Using Multiple Replicas
Incorporating different replicas into longer content pieces can introduce variety and maintain viewer interest:
* **Variety**: Switch between replicas to present different sections of your content.
* **Personalization**: Use specific replicas for targeted segments, enhancing relevance and engagement.
### Review and Iteration
After generating your video, review it thoroughly:
* **Identify Repetitions**: Look for and note any instances of repeated gestures or unnatural movements.
* **Iteration**: Use insights from your review to refine the script or consider breaking the content into smaller pieces if necessary.
## Conclusion
While Tavus empowers users to generate videos of any length, being mindful of the potential quality variations in longer videos is crucial. By employing strategies like content splitting, script refinement, and using multiple replicas, you can create high-quality, engaging videos that effectively convey your message. Always review your generated content and be prepared to iterate for the best results.
# Training Video Size
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/troubleshooting/training-video-size
## Overview
When training the Phoenix model with Tavus, the size of your training video plays a crucial role in the processing time and success rate of your model training. To facilitate a smooth and efficient training process, adhering to the recommended video size guidelines is essential.
## Recommended Video Size
The Tavus platform accepts training videos up to 750 MB in size. This limitation is based on our observations of optimal balance between video quality and processing efficiency.
## File Size Considerations
* **Processing Efficiency**: Smaller file sizes typically result in faster upload times and more efficient processing, reducing the overall time required for model training.
* **Success Rate**: Although Tavus will attempt to process larger files up to the 750 MB limit, we cannot guarantee successful processing for all large files. Staying within the recommended size increases the likelihood of a smooth training experience.
* **Quality Preservation**: It's important to balance file size with video quality. Compressing your video to reduce its size should not significantly compromise its resolution, frame rate, or audio quality, as these factors are critical for training a high-quality Phoenix model.
## Tips for Reducing Video File Size
1. **Compression**: Use video compression tools to reduce file size without substantially affecting quality.
Currently, the **H.264 codec is required** by Tavus to ensure efficient compression.
2. **Resolution Adjustment**: Consider reducing the video resolution if it's higher than necessary. For most training purposes, a resolution of 1080p (1920x1080) is sufficient.
3. **Trimming**: Remove any unnecessary footage from the beginning and end of your training video to reduce its duration and size.
4. **Frame Rate**: Lower the frame rate slightly if it's higher than 30 frames per second. Reducing the frame rate can decrease the file size without significantly impacting the video's appearance.
## Conclusion
Adhering to the recommended training video size not only ensures efficient processing and higher success rates but also contributes to a smoother model training experience. By optimizing your video file size while maintaining quality, you can achieve the best outcomes from your Phoenix model training with Tavus.
# Overview
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/video-generation/overview
Learn how to generate high-quality videos using Stock or Personal Replicas
Now that you have your voice, it's time to generate some high-quality videos! You can do this by using the UI and going to the [Replicas Tab](https://platform.tavus.io/replicas), or by using the API with the [Create Video Endpoint](/api-reference/video-request/create-video).
There are a few things to keep in mind:
* Videos can take a few minutes to generate, depending on how long your script is
* Tokens are used for every minute of video generated
* You may get slightly different results everytime you generate with the same script, as the model is non-deterministic
* You can affect how the model outputs with how you write the script. Check out [Scripting](/sections/video-generation/scripting-prompting) for more information on this
Videos can be downloaded, or you can use the video link to share with friends and social media.
## Generating Video via API
### Prerequisites
Before starting, ensure you have a Tavus account and an API key, which can be obtained from the Developer Portal.
### Creating Your Video
1. **Prepare Your Script**: Define the content you wish to turn into a video.
2. **Get your Replica ID**: Get the ID of the Replica you'd like to use. See [Replica Selection](/sections/video-generation/replica-selection)
3. **Make the API Request**: Use the [Create Video Endpoint](/api-reference/video-request/create-video) to submit your video request with the
4. **Check the Response**: A successful request will return details about the video generation process, including a hosted URL for the completed video.
### Getting Your Video
Your video will take a few minutes to generate, depending on the length. You can check on the status of videos using the Videos section of the Developer Portal.
You can also retrieve your video details using the [Get Video Endpoint](/api-reference/video-request/get-video), including download and stream links.
# Replica Selection
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/video-generation/replica-selection
Find out how to look at all the Stock Replicas as well as your Personal Replicas
## Accessing the Replica Library
You can find all the Stock Replicas, as well your Personal Replicas on the Developer Portal via the [Replicas Tab](https://platform.tavus.io/replicas). You can also use our [API to list your replicas.](/api-reference/phoenix-replica-model/get-replicas)
### API Users - Getting your Replica ID
For users looking to create videos using the API, you'll need to get the Replica ID of the Replica you'd like to use. You can get the Replica ID using the Replica page in the Developer Portal by hovering over the title, or by clicking "Copy Replica ID" in the overflow menu of your Personal Replicas.
The Replica ID is also returned as part of the response body of [List Replicas Endpoint](/api-reference/phoenix-replica-model/get-replicas).
# Scripting
Source: https://docs.tavus.io/sections/video-generation/scripting-prompting
Learn how to create a high-quality script
Creating a compelling script is the foundation of any successful video generated with Tavus. Your script not only conveys your message but also guides the replica's tone, expressions, and overall presentation. Here’s how to craft scripts that captivate your audience and maximize the effectiveness of your Tavus videos.
## Understanding Script Basics
A script for Tavus is more than just words; it's the blueprint for your video content. It should be concise, clear, and engaging, guiding the replica to deliver your message as intended. Keep in mind the following basics:
* **Clarity**: Ensure your script is straightforward and easy to understand.
* **Tone**: Align the tone of your script with the message and your brand voice.
* **Pacing**: Consider how quickly or slowly the replica should speak to maintain viewer engagement.
* **Engagement**: Include questions or prompts to keep the audience involved.
## Writing Your Script
### Start with a Clear Message
Identify the key message or call to action (CTA) you want to convey. Every part of your script should support or lead up to this message, ensuring your video is focused and impactful.
### Structure Your Script
Organize your script into a clear structure: an introduction that grabs attention, a body that elaborates on your message, and a conclusion that reinforces the key points and includes a CTA.
### Use Natural Language
Write as if you're speaking to someone directly. This helps the replica deliver your script in a way that feels personal and relatable to the audience.
### Incorporate Pauses and Emphasis
Use punctuation and formatting to indicate where the replica should pause for effect or emphasize certain words. This adds dynamism to the delivery and aids in retaining viewer attention.
### Keep It Concise
Aim for scripts that are brief yet informative. Shorter, more engaging videos tend to perform better, especially on digital platforms where attention spans are limited.
## Scripting for Different Languages
Tavus supports scripts in multiple languages, allowing you to reach a global audience. When writing in a language other than your first, consider the following:
* **Cultural Nuances**: Adapt your script to reflect cultural sensitivities and expressions.
* **Language Proficiency**: If you're not fluent, consider consulting with a native speaker to ensure accuracy.
* **Translation Tools**: Utilize reliable translation services for drafts, but always have a native speaker review the final script.
## Leveraging AI Script Assistance
Tavus's AI script assistant, available in the Developer Portal, can help refine your script, suggesting improvements for clarity, engagement, and effectiveness. Use this tool to polish your script and ensure it's optimized for video generation.
## Script Length and Video Quality
While Tavus can generate videos of various lengths, keeping your content under five minutes is advisable for maintaining quality and engagement. For longer messages, consider breaking them into a series of shorter videos.
## Review and Revise
Before finalizing your script, review it critically or share it with colleagues for feedback. A well-reviewed script is more likely to produce a video that effectively communicates your message and engages your audience.
Crafting an effective script is a critical step in utilizing Tavus to create dynamic and engaging video content. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your video projects are impactful, engaging, and tailored to meet the needs of your target audience.